Chapter Twenty-eight

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A refreshing spring nip hung in the air on Sunday evening. Tonight was the night I'd go with the third years to this mansion to search for demons. Perri and Grace came with me as I worryingly waited for Headmaster Sorren and his group of third years who were supposed to be meeting me by the mini-bus outside the academy. As I began to pace back and forth I was beginning to think this was a bad idea and that perhaps I was getting myself into a lot of trouble. Every few seconds, I checked my jacket pocket for the small vile of calming potion Nurse Ackerley gave me. I hadn't used it yet as I was trying hard to calm my own nerves, but I knew, inevitably I would end up downing the entire bottle by the end of the night.

"Verity," Perri whispered and I stopped pacing, hearing a group of people coming down the stairs behind me.

"Oh, there she is," one third-year girl said with polished black horns that glinted green in the dim light. Night vision was strangely similar to human night vision, giving everything a slight green tint. "We thought you wouldn't come." Five more third years came outside including Rowan and Dean.

"Of course she'd come," Dean smiled. "Verity is one tough nut," he winked at me. "You ready?"

"To run? Yes," I laughed nervously.

Rowan put a comforting hand on my back. "Don't worry about it. Your there to observe, we all are."

Headmaster Sorren came out a few moments later. "Um ladies," he said looking down at Grace and Perri. "Shouldn't you be studying?"

"Er, yes sir," Perri weakly smiled. "Good luck Verity." After a quick hug from them, they headed inside with forlorn looks on their faces which didn't help me at all.

Dean and Rowan introduced the other third years. Carmen, the gargoyle with the polished horns, she nodded once though I gathered she didn't want me here. Something I could relate to. I didn't want me here either. And then there were the twins Willow and Erik. They wanted to know everything about me and kept gawking at me.

"Dean and Rowan are leading the group," Headmaster Sorren told me as the others got onto the bus. "So stay with them and do as they say."

"I will sir."

When the headmaster looked at me, with his deep orange eyes, he seemed almost sad to let me go but when Dean started up the bus the expression vanished all too quickly. "Good luck, Verity."

With everyone on board and the doors closed, Dean slowly drove us out of the academy grounds and instead of turning left, which was the road towards London, he instead went right. "Right ladies and gents," Dean called. "We are going to Dorset to a mansion that we are currently calling it, The Glass Mansion because would you believe it, the majority of it is constructed in glass. Now, the building in question is just over two-hundred years old and was abandoned in the mid 1930s by a German family. The T.A.T discovered it and found out it was inhabited by some demons. We are to track and monitor the demons and figure out their plan."

"Demons have plans?" I asked out loud. "I thought they just go after humans."

Carmen, who sat a few seats in front, turned around glowering at me. "Of course demons have plans. They don't just go attacking humans for no reason. Haven't you learnt that yet?" she snapped.


"I guess not." She concluded. "Well sweetheart, let me shed some light on demonology." I heard Dean sigh and glance in the rear-view mirror with apologetic eyes. "Demons attack people who are either weak of spirit or that they lead good and kind lives."

"What about the demon who tried to attack me?" I asked her, as I didn't think I that soldier demon was anything in which she just described.

"You were to become a gargoyle. You aren't human," she told me. "Not anymore. I'm sure Dean and Rowan told you that demons will attack fledgeling gargoyles?"

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