A Game - Allison & Paige

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Description: For most of her life, Allison has felt ignored. She'll be talking to a "friend" and they'll reply in a very off voice "Cool", "Okay", "That's nice, Ally", and so many other basic replies. Even if she's ranting about something bad that had happened to her. Once she reached the age of fifteen, she wanted to test her theory of if her friends ever actually listened to her. She'd start talking about a normal topic but then randomly switch it up to the most extreme topic and no one would notice. Once she reached age seventeen she started to get bored with the little game she created. So she promised herself that after her eighteenth birthday she'd start doing things she'd talk about. Like getting tattoos, piercings, dye her hair, change her wardrobe, and other things like that to see if anyone would notice. 

(A.N. // I got this idea from @MrsNorris1 in their story Drarry One Shots, the chapter Playin' a game. That small story made me like almost cry and I wanted to like create my own thing based on that. So definitely go read that if you like Drarry stories lol.)

Allison's POV

"And so I said to my dad, just leave me the fuck alone I can do whatever the hell I want. Ya know?"

"Mhm, yeah definitely."

"But then he kicked me out so would it be chill if I stayed with you till college?"


"Great, you're a lifesaver. Thanks, Sal."


I then stood up and walked out of the library, feeling sad. It's been almost three years since I decided to see if anyone ever listens to me and no one does. I just told Sally that I cussed my dad out so he tossed me to the curb. And she didn't even care. Obviously, it didn't happen but still.

I sighed and looked down at my feet as I was walking to the parking lot. I was just in a book club and it ended and that's when I talked to Sally.

All of a sudden I crashed into someone and we both fell backward.

I panicked and stood up and held my hand out to her, "I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going and I didn't think anyone else would be here."

She took my hand and I helped her up and she shook her head, "It's totally okay, I did the same thing. Hey, are you okay?"

I blanked. No one has asked me that in so long.

A minute later I nodded my head, "Um yeah I'm fine. Just wanna get home."

She nodded but looked at me almost... worried, "I get that. Well, I'll see you around."

"Yeah, see ya."

We nodded at each other and then went opposite ways.

She seems nice. She's the only person to seem worried about me in a long time. She's also really pretty. Bright blonde hair, green eyes, she was wearing skinny jeans and a Marvel t-shirt. I've always been attracted to girls but because no one really seems to listen to me, I haven't tried to tell anyone or get a girlfriend. I haven't seen that girl in school before though. I wonder if she's new. Ugh. I need to stop thinking about her. All that happened was we ran into each other. 


"Hey, mom?"


"Can I go to a party tomorrow night? There's gonna be alcohol and drugs and stuff."

She didn't look up from her phone, "Sounds great, honey."

"So... that's a yes?"


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