Camping - Krissy & Sam

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Description: Krissy is an average girl, well besides her bright pink curly long hair. She's pretty and smart and not a lot of people dislike her. Sam is a bit more... complicated. She doesn't really have friends, ever since she came out. It started with her telling her best friend (or at least she thought that's what she was) that she is gay. She just walked away and the next day it turned out that she told the whole school and that school year was hell. That was two years ago, freshman year. Now she wears all black, her hair is cut short, and she wears dark makeup. She's am outcast. But she has fallen for her opposite, in looks. Krissy Liams. The perfect bubblegum princess. She wants nothing more than to be able to talk to her and get to know her, but she knows that no one would be caught dead talking to her. But will a school camping trip help?

Sam's POV

Today is the day. The day I've been dreading for months. Camping day. A tradition in this weird ass highschool is every year, a certain group of kids will get picked to go on a weekend camping trip to get out in nature and learn some skills. This year I've been chosen. We have to share a tent with one other person of the same sex but we don't get to pick. I already know every girl is hoping they get picked with anyone but me. I'm scared. Some girls can get... physical... with the bullying. It's hard explaining black eyes, bruises, and limps to my family when they don't even know how I am and that people bully me for it.

"Will every student in this year's camping trip come together in the gymnasium, please? I repeat, will every student in this year's camping trip come together in the gymnasium, please? Thank you."

I internally groaned and stood up and walked out of my second hour. The only good thing about this is we get to miss most of today which is Friday. Camping goes from today to Sunday.

As soon as I got into the gym I almost fainted. Standing across the gym from me in all her pink-haired glory is Krissy. Did she get picked to go too? I don't remember seeing her name on the list of students going! I just skimmed though so I must have missed her... ugh. Well, this trip will be fun.

"Okay kids, we are going to split into two groups for learning some basic skills we will or may need to use while in the forest. Boys, if you would go gather around Mr. Felton on the other side of the cafeteria, and girls stay here with me. Off you go."

I just awkwardly stood aside as the rest of the girls crowded around Mrs. Kain. I'm really not looking forward to this.

"Okay, girls. So, as you know, we will be leaving today after lunch to go on the trip. Your luggage should be in the office, after lunch, you will go grab your bag or bags and head to the back of the school to start loading in the coach buses. From now until lunch which is only two hours, don't worry, we will be learning and practicing the necessary skills for out in the wilderness. Ready?"

Everyone cheered except me.


Three long hours of "training" and getting harassed at lunch, it's time to load the buses. I've already grabbed my bag, I'm just waiting for the teachers to tell us which buses to load up first. I got here a little early because I don't... really... have to wait for anyone.

"Hi, Sam, is it?"

I nodded.

Mrs. Kain smiled at me, "You're early, are you excited to get going?"

I smiled a little and nodded again. Even though I'm not. But... might as well make her feel better.

She smiled, "You're the tall silent type, eh?"

My face flushed a little, "Yeah, I guess."

"Well, Sam, you can load up your stuff in bus one and take a seat in there anywhere you'd like. People should be loading up in a couple of minutes."

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