Chapter 24

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  First I just thought you'd like a video of Narry ballroom dancing together... You're welcome. I'd also like to say that this book is coming to an end soon maybe 10 chapters left.. Depends on if I get anymore ideas or not anyways I love you all so much thank you for 8.5K reads!


We waited about 30mins or so for my mom to arrive and to say that I was happy to see her was an understatement, I was beyond so excited because its almost been a few months since I've seen her. So when she waked in the door I tackled her in a tight bear hug.

"MOMMY!" I said feeling no shame about calling her that or about the tears in my eyes.
"Hi baby" she said hugging me back with just  as much might as I'm hugging her with.
I pulled away and started crying because I didn't keep my promise to her about keeping Niall safe and protecting him.

"Mom I couldn't protect him!" I said sobbing into her shoulder

"Its ok baby you tried you're best I know that for sure" she said rubbing my back

"We know where he is though and we're gonna find him" I said getting out of her grip and sitting on the arm rest opposite the side Joey's sitting on.

"Okay where do you think he is?" she asked sitting in the chair across from the couch

"He's being held at their lake house"Joey says, putting it simply

"Okay, but do you guys have a plan?" she says

"No: I said bemused

"But I know you do" I added smiling

"You know me too well, but we need to call in some reinforcements"


It's not long beore the house is infested with cops -undercover obviously-  mom called in her friends from work and it turns oiut that they were working on a case the involved Nialls parents which involves Gregs death and the tortuand endangerment of many people.

I never thought that my life would turn into this to be honest. I remeber a year ago I wrote my first suicide note.. and I remember exactly what I wrote but I also remember that was the day I first met Niall and then everything changed.

Right now I'm sitting in my room reeading over the note that I wrote

If I commited suicide...

I wonder how many gasps,




or words will be spoken as a sign of love.

But then I remembered...

it's 3:26am and I'm





and silently screaming for help.

No one really





any sort of attention.

If I commit suicide...

please don't say you

missed me,

loved me,

cared for me,

found beauty within me,

or I should have tried harder

because I wouldn't have a stomach full of pills

and blood stained wrists at 3:26am

if you

missed me,

loved me,

cared for me,

or founs beauty within me.

I didn't notice that I was crying until I saw tear drops on the paper

"Harry sweetie, we're leaving soon"

I quickly wipped my eyes, folded the note and put it in my top drawer but I came to a hault as my fingers brushed against a velvet box. I take the box out of the drawer and open it to find a necklace with a gold chain and the pendant is an N and an H together in the shape of a heart.

I'm crying so hard right now because this must have been my anniversary present from Niall. I take it out of the box and put it on, this is my movtivation for finding him and finding him alive this is a symbol of our love and I want to wear it when we find him.

I head back downstairs to see my mom, Joey and a group of officers talking in a circle in hte kitchen. I walk over and join the conversation

"What's the plan?" I asked wondering what they've come up with.

"Okay, here's what's gonna happen"


Ok guys this was the update I promised I'm sorry it ook me so long to update. I'm not gonna promise youu anything about new updates or anything. So I can honestly say thatI don't know when the new updates gonna come. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING FROM THE SUICIDE NOTE! I love you all than;s for sticking with me! I couldn't find a picture of the ecklace so please use your imagination. Untill next time BYEEEEEE!

Little piece of heaven ~NaryWhere stories live. Discover now