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Roy's POV

"This is Liberty Davis, leave a message and I'll get back to you when I can." Beep.

"Hey, Liberty, I'm just checking in on you, since none of us have seen or heard from you, which is unusual. Just, text or call one of us sometime, just so we know you're safe. Thanks, talk to you later." Roy sighed as he ended the tenth voicemail message. His phone vibrated and he checked the text he just got from Felicity.

"No, I haven't heard from her either, and she hasn't answered any calls."

Roy cussed under his breath. "Would it be bad if I went to check up on her? She could be in danger, but it might just be that her phone is dead or she's asleep or something like that."

A couple seconds later, Felicity sent her reply. "Probably not a bad idea. No harm will be done if you check on her."

Roy grabbed his jacket and headed out the door, speed walking to Liberty's apartment. He rushed into the building and was about to run up the stairs, not bothering to wait for the elevator, when the man at the front desk shouted for him.

"You, you're Liberty's friend, right? Roy?" the elderly man asked. He was a new receptionist. Roy looked for a name tag on the desk and found that his name was Mr John.

"Yes, I am," Roy answered. "Have you seen her? I've been trying to call her all day but have gotten no response."

"I got a text from her. Something about her phone almost dying and her leaving a message for you on her counter top. She asked me to give you this so that you could get to it." Mr John held out a key, which Roy took.

"I can't thank you enough," Roy told Mr John quickly before he ran up the stairs. He got up to her floor and found her door. Despite what Mr John had said, Roy was still worried. Nothing looked amiss, but it felt off. Why would Liberty leave a message here? Why not say her phone was nearly dead herself? And where is she? Roy unlocked the door and let himself in.

On the counter was a phone. It wasn't Liberty's, it wasn't even the same brand as Liberty's. This is bad. Roy grabbed the phone and swiped to unlock. There was a text from a number not registered in the contacts. The number looked familiar. Roy grabbed his own phone to check his suspicions. He pulled up his contacts and went to Liberty's to find that it was a text from Liberty's phone. Roy opened up the message on the mystery phone from Liberty.

"Respond when you see this. -Revenge."

Shouting a few curse words, Roy called Liberty with the phone Revenge left behind. A couple seconds later, Revenge answered. "Hello there, Harper."

"What did you do to Liberty? Where is she?" Roy fired at Revenge.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" A second later, the phone buzzes in Roy's hand. Roy looks at the text Revenge sent and gasps. Revenge had sent a picture of Liberty. She was tied to a chair, and there was some sort of collar on her. Shock collar, perhaps? She was covered in all sorts of cuts and bruises, and blood and sweat dripped all over her. Her face was tear stained, but Roy could tell she was trying to feign confidence.

"Listen up, Revenge. If you don't let her go, you're going to regret it," Roy said angrily.

"Oh, Harper, you aren't in any position to make demands. Not when it would be oh so easy for me to slit your friend's throat. Now, you will do as I say, for Liberty's sake. You will come here within the next twenty four hours. Make sure to come in your ridiculous hood. Liberty here doesn't believe what I've told her about your nightly outings, so let's clear it up for her. Come alone. I only want one idiot vigilante here, understood?"

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