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The hostile flicked his knife in the direction he wanted Liberty to go and quickly brought it back to point at Liberty's vitals. "C'mon, let's go." He stepped back, giving room for Liberty to walk in front of him. Liberty slowly walked in front of him, shaking, worried she'd pass out. She felt the knife prick her spine. "Let's go, girl!"

She walked down the stairs, the hostile's knife digging into her back, not quite enough to draw blood. Oh, how did I myself in this mess! she thought.

"Hurry up! We don't have all day!" another hostile told her. Liberty quickened her pace slightly, starting to feel light-headed.


The knife left her back, and Liberty looked over her shoulder to see what had just happened. The door that once stood between the stairwell and the second floor now lay on top of the three unconscious hostiles. In the doorway stood Roy Harper, the Arsenal.

"Arrow, I've got Liberty. Can you handle the hostiles?" Roy said, probably in his comms. He must've gotten an answer from the Oliver Queen. He turned around suddenly and shot an arrow into the room he was just in. Liberty heard the faint cackle of electricity when a hostile yelped in pain.

"Liberty, over here," he said, motioning for her to come to him. Liberty quickly stepped over the door and unconscious hostiles and stood next to Roy. Roy lead her to the broken window. "You don't happen to be scared of heights, do you?"

"N-no, I'm not," Liberty said. Her voice was still trembling.

Roy quickly knocked an arrow in his bow and shot it at a window in the closest building. Between the two windows, a zip line was placed. Roy stood up on the window sill and helped Liberty up. He wrapped an arm around Liberty's waist. Knowing what was happening, Liberty grabbed onto Roy tightly. Roy grabbed onto the zip line, and jumped off the window sill, bringing Liberty with him. They flew through the air for a few seconds until they landed inside the other building.

They were in an empty conference room. Liberty broke out of Roy's arm, and crouched down, resting her head in her hands.

"Do you need any back up, Arrow?" Roy asked his comms. After getting his answer, he nodded and crouched down next to Liberty.

"Sorry for not believing you," Liberty apologized.

Roy shrugged. "It is pretty unbelievable."

"Sorry for the trouble I caused, running after you. I was worried because I didn't think a cosplayer could handle himself," Liberty added.

"That's a brave thing to do. Most people would have ran." Roy stood up. "C'mon. Oliver, Dig, and Felicity got pretty confused when I said you aren't Sara."


"So, let me get this straight. We're characters in a TV show," Oliver said.

"Yeah, you are," Liberty confirmed.

"So this is like the multiverse theory?" Felicity asked. "You're from an alternative universe."

"Oh yeah, it's totally like the multiverse theory," Liberty clarified. She thought back to the many hours she spent binge watching The Flash, another part of the Arrowverse. The second and third seasons go into great detail about the expansive multiverse.

"What is the multiverse theory?" Dig asked.

"Oh, um, here, I learned it like this," Liberty muttered quietly as she grabbed a marker and wrote on some clear paper. "This is Earth-1, your world," she said as she drew a circle and labeled it E-1. She drew several more circles. "This is my world. This world, the Nazis won World War II. This world, the British defeated the colonists and America never broke off. This world, the Soviet Union never crumbled. This world, you, Oliver, you never went on the Gambit and never became the Arrow. This world, you, Dig, you became an engineer. This world, you, Roy, you're still a mirakuru super soldier. This world, you, Felicity, you went into the NCIS. All of these worlds occupy the same space, but vibrate at different speeds. This means they can't interact with each other unless you go at high speeds or a hole is ripped into the space-time continuum."

Cosplayer to Vigilante /Arrow FanFic/ /Open Novella Round 2/Where stories live. Discover now