Trunks I don't care!!!

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Hi guys hope you enjoy~

It's 11:00am in the morning

Goku Black: "Are you awake?"

Future Trunks: (wacks Black with a pillow and rolls over)

Goku Black: *flinches* (looks at him shocked not knowing what to do)

Future Trunks: "What?"

Goku Black: "I don't care if you think I'm a monster as long as you love me we can make it right."

Future Trunks: (ignores Black covering up in the covers)

Goku Black: "Trunks I don't care!" *Glares*

Future Trunks: (sits up in bed shocked) "Yeah I know you don't care. You don't care about anyone else but yourself!"

Goku Black: "Eeeeahhhhh!!!" *Screams*  "I care about you!" (Yells at the top of his lungs) {why is this happening I want him but he won't just give in to the fact that he feels the same way I do}

Future Trunks: (covers face with hands) "Why do i love an evil killer?" *Sighs*

Goku Black: *scowls* (hovers over him mad)

Zamasu: (Walks off embarrassed) *blushes*

Future Trunks: "Get off me!"

Goku Black: "No! Ask nicely."

Future Trunks: "Do you ever ask before you murder someone? C'mon answer."

Goku Black: "Uh . . ." (Sits in Future Trunks lap)

Future Trunks: "Uhhh!" (squirms pissed off) *glares* "Get off!"

Goku Black: "No." (Leans and kisses Future Trunks lips)

Future Trunks: "uhhh-" (leans and kisses back slowly)

Goku Black: *smirks* (pulls away smiling) "Now was that so hard?"

Future Trunks: (kicks legs squirming) *glares*

Goku Black: "Give in to me~"

Future Trunks: *blushes*

Goku Black: (rubs Trunks cheek and leans sucking his neck)

Future Trunks: "Get off of me!!!"

Goku Black: (grinds rouphly against his crotch) "Mmmmmh~"

Future Trunks: "Ahh ahhh~" (leans grinding back)

Goku Black: "Good boy~"

Future Trunks: "Shut up!!!"

Goku Black: "Your mine~"

Zamasu: (walks in annoyed) "The remaining forces are here to take Trunks."

Future Trunks: (pupils dialate in shock) {oh no they're going to kill all those innocent people}

Goku Black: "Tell them to leave or die."

Zamasu: (walks off and goes on the balcony) "Leave or Trunks dies!"

Troops: (scatter and run into the woods in fear and shock)

Zamasu: *Scoffs* "Poor little mortals~" (walks back incide)

Goku Black: "Give in or I'll rape you again." *Glares*

Future Trunks: *squirms*

To be continued . . .. . . . . . . .

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