male. Vaporeon x fem. reader oneshots: Summer Day

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   Your eevee evolved into a vaporeon only a couple months before it turned human.
     He was calm and collected when he had turned human and could finally read! he would go out to the back yard where the small pool was and lay with his feet in the water for hours.
     Today was one of the hottest days of summer. You couldn't seem to find anything that would stop the heat. That is until you saw your vaporeon laying beside the pool.
   You ran to your room to put on you bathing suit, only to find it nowhere. You looked around going though the laundry and your closet before finding one of your bathing suits.
     It wasn't exactly the one you wanted it was a small 2 piece that looked pretty tight. But you were so done you just wanted to get into the pool! And by your smexy vaporeon! You shook your had at the thought. You had to admit he was quite handsome, his narrow violet eyes were caring and his somewhat toned skin flawless, he was everything a girl could want if only he wasn't a poke human maybe just maybe there would have been something between you two, but sadly a graceful pokemon such as himself wouldn't want to date a human much less his trainer. But he was just so... so amazing he would help around the house and would watch movies with you and helped with problems you had at work/school.
    Once you were done changing you walked to the bathroom to get a towel and to see if you looked decent.
     When you got to the bathroom you looked into the mirror, the bathing suit complimented your curves and you smiled to your reflection, you decided to tie your (h/c) hair into a ponytail (sorry if you have short hair) before leaving the bathroom you murmured "if only" before heading off into the direction of where the pool rested.

Once you were outside you were able to see your knight in shining armor, or knight in swimming shorts that is. As you walked to the edge of the pool you saw his eyes twitching while he lay still on the sun covered towel he had brought out, he seemed to be waking up from is well needed cat nap. "Good morning sleepy head" you giggled as he opened his eyes and yawned his teal hair messy and his violet hues slowly waking up from the nap. When you set beside him he immediately changed his position. As he laid his head in your lap, your hands immediately went to play with his hair. "Why'd it take so long for you to get out here hmm?" He questioned. "I had other things to do y'know" You replied.
"More important than me?" He huffed out. Pouting and staring up at you.
"I mean..." You teased him seeing him twist his face into a false look of sadness.
"You don't love me, I see how it is." He sniffled and turned his back towards you before hoping in the small pool. He sat at the bottom. Any human would've needed to come up for air after awhile but one thing that stuck with your vaporeon is the fact he could hold his breath for what seemed like hours. Though it still made you uneasy, it just seemed unnatural for a human like entity to be so unfazed by being underwater. You scooted your way to the edge of the pool looking down at him. You tapped your hand in the water. A sign you'd come up with to get the attention of your vaporeon. He didn't budge but seemed to huff as bubbles came from his mouth.
"Oh come on I was just kidding!" You shouted. He turned and looked at you a playful glare on his face. You tapped the water again and he moved closer, before lunging at your hand in the water making you gasp. With a quick pull you were in the water. It the cool touch of the water wasn't bad but it was still surprising and it had you scramble to break surface. When you did you heard a loud laugh come from behind you making you turn around. Your vaporeon was there hitting the water with his hand while he laughed. You splashed water at him before huffing and moving to the corner of the pool. Once he had calm down he swam over to you with wet hair and a big grin. He leaned against the pool edge as he watched the warm breeze ripple the surface of the water.
"I hate you," you huffed out while pouting
"Nah you know you love me" he replied

Okay okay be mad all you want I must admit I dont post very much. But yaknow covid and online school. Anyways this was really quick because I wanted to get a chapter out for you guys and the lemon part 2 just needs a bit more and that'll be out as well

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