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"Yeah behind the ears."  Ray groaned as he had his hair dressers wash his hair.  He had on his uniform of course, they washed him so many times, but the nasty smell won't wash out his skin.  He doesn't smell bad , it's just such an unsettling smell.  I don't know how Prodigy does it.  

Prince came in, regular uniform on, just alot tighter I suppose.  Not her adult one, but his jump suit fit better.  Me myself I had on a black t-shirt and jeans with timbs on.   I refused any make up.  I left my hair as is.  

"No! NO! I REFUSE TO HAVE YOU PUT THAT ON ME!"  Prodigy screamed.  "Oh no. Please say he hasn't terrorized another stylist. "  I muttered as we all ran to Chresanto and Prodigy's dressing room.  Chresanto looked brand new in his uniform with his hair curled.

"Let the nice people do your make up." Chres cooed and Prodigy rolled his eyes, his hair pulled back and fanned out with a red bandana on. 

"Ugh fine."  He muttered and puckered his lips to only have the person smack on some lip gloss.  

"You screamed and hollered over lip gloss?"  Prince asked and he nodded.  "What the.." I whispered.  "You look amazing."  Ray spoke up walking in with dry hair.  "You look handsome."  Prodigy complimented back.  "5 minutes!"  The producer announced.  "Dudes we're going to be on television!"  Ray hollered and started running around, laughing his "Ackacka".  I grabbed him and Prodigy came over and jump kicked him into the wall.  "Don't encourage him."  Prodigy groaned in a monotone voice.

"Cast out on stage!"  The producer yelled and we all walked out as the curtains opened and an audience was revealed.  

People who was painted purple.

Some with my outfit on.

Some with afro wigs.

Some with Chresanto's outfit.

Some has red cloaks on. 

"Whoa..."  We all muttered.




Sick. Sick. Sick.  SICK.

We all sat down in our chairs.  Prince sat closet to Sheila, the host, Chres beside him.  Mac in the middle.  Myself beside her and Ray on the end.

"Welcome to The Star."  Sheila said.  We all muttered things back.  

"Well first question is for the purple monster himself."  Sheila laughed as Ray stood up and threw up peace signs.  "YES! YES! That's me."  Ray yelled and I pulled him back down.  Everyone was clapping and cheering.  "Don't encourage him!"  I yelled.  

"The question is from... @ILoveMTMostDef she asked Ray Ray how did you get so very hunky?  Like oh my god I remember you being so scrawny."  Sheila asked.  A group of girls ran up to the stage causing my eye to twitch.  Ray stood up flexing.  "Well I did a few reps.  You know lift the weights."  Ray smiled widely.  I walked over.  "What reps? "  I asked.  "I be in the gym!"  Ray yelled.  "No.  If anything the times you work out is when we force you and when we have missions.  And puberty which hit you like a monster truck.  By work out he means play video games."  I corrected flipping my hair and walking back to my chair.  Ray had his face scrunched angrily.  "Why must you do that?" He grumbled following me. 

"Aw look at the lovely two."  Sheila cooed as Ray and I glared at each other.  "Next question from @YoungPrinceton Hey older me!  How is it getting that mind reading skill? And how about finally getting a love life?"  Sheila read as the text appeared on a screen behind.  

Sequel To It's Possible & Committed : ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now