Chapter 11

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Damn everything has been crazy. This will be a good chapter to make up for the drama. Then back to the plot lmao 😂

"Yo Harley!! Try out for the football team!" Harley's best friend, David yelled out. Harley sighed and Peter watched as the scene unfolded.

"Trust me Im not football worthy. Even if I wanted to I shouldn't." Harley sighed. David rolled his eyes and pulled him towards the sign up sheets.

"Sign up. You are strong and have the body for it-"

"I'm more of a nerd type-"

"Harley. It's Mid Town. Everyone has a nerd inside them somewhere. Come on man we need one more person."


"Harley." Peter smiled. "I know you want to. No one will judge and trust me you should do this."

Harley smiled at his older brother and looked at his best friend. "Okay fine I'll do it-"

"HARLEY!" A group of girls yelled. It was the cheerleaders. They ran towards Harley with huge smiles.

Harley and Peter both looked at each other with the same expression. Ever since they came back from school the girls, and some boys, would run towards them knowing that they are the semi adopted children of the two Avengers. They both have been asked out many times by all genders but they denied.

Harley got more attention which was perfectly fine with Peter knowing full well that means he won't have a sensory over load. Peter smiled and patted Harley's back before heading off towards Harley, Ned, and MJ who were looking for him. "Sign up Harley. You got this."

Harley turned back around at the sign up sheet and smiled as he wrote his name down. David was cheering in the background before the girls came and started to talk to Harley.

• • •

"How does it feel to be kinda famous?" Ned asked as Peter made his way towards them. Peter sighed and sat down as MJ tossed him an apple.

"It's kinda annoying. But luckily the people here like and care more about Harley who is much more cuter than me." Peter laughed as he bit into the apple. The group was glad to have an early release day and today they also had a free period. Which means they can leave any time now.

"You will get used to it don't worry Pete." Harry smiled. "So what are you going to be doing during Christmas time?"

"I'm having a family dinner at my grandmas house." Ned replied. "I'm going to ask Betty if she wants to come."

"Ned you really need to make a move on her just saying." Harry commented.

"You guys are so dumb." MJ sighed. "I'm off to a big family party which is going to be terrible. My small cousins are always bothering me and my family always talks about how I should have a boyfriend."

"Damn that sucks. I'm actually spending that day at Avengers Tower. Clint is going to take us out to go towards the new cafe that will open that day while I guess the others get the tower ready. Dad says he wants it to be a surprise for us."

"That's awesome Peter. What's the cafe called?" Harry asked stealing a grape from Peters lunch.

"Uh I think it's going to be called December Falls." Peter replied checking his clock. "I'm going to head on out to go pick up Lilly-Anne. She is going to get out of school soon."

"Okay tell her we said hi!" Ned replied.

"And Im always open to punch a 12 year old." MJ muttered as she read her poem book that Harry got her.

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