Chapter 4

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Tony smiled as he looked upwards and saw Peter rubbing his eyes and shuffling his way towards the table. Steve entered with breakfast and Peter slipped into a chair next to Tony.

"Good morning Peter." Tony smiled passing the kid some orange juice. "Here drink up."

Peter sighed and drank some juice before looking at Steve and Tony. "Thank you for last night... I'm sorry for bothering you both."

"Hey Peter dont say sorry." Steve said as he placed a waffle on his plate.

"Yeah don't Peter. I'm glad you came here."

"O-Okay..." Peter quietly ate as his thoughts filled his head. He slowly looked up at the two trying to find the words. "Uh what's uh going to... what's going to happen to me?"

"Well I mean you can stay here." Steve said looking at Tony. "We actually have something to ask you."

"Yeah?" Peter bit into his waffle and looked up at them with an expression of a cute confused puppy.

"Well we understand if it's too early to ask this. But Tony and I have actually been wanting a child for a while now." Steve explained. "You see we haven't found the right one and we were wondering if I mean if."

"We want to know if it would be okay for us to adopt you? You becoming our son?" Tony finished. The couple waited and stared at Peter who looked like he was trying to process what was happening. "I-If you want. I mean we would love that-"

"Yes!" Peter smiled wide. "I would love that actually!" He jumped up and hugged Tony before running over and hugging Steve both of them having a new warm feeling spread across their bodies.

"Great!" Tony smirked.

"Terrific!" Steve smiled.

"Are you guys at a loss of words?" Peter asked with a small giggle.

They both nodded their heads causing the small soon-to-be-family to erupt in laughter. Tony checked his phone and sighed as he saw a notification from Fury.

"Avenger duty is reporting." Tony said standing up. "Once we come back Peter I'll take you back to your apartment so you can collect everything. Steve will deal with the paper work to adopt you."

"Can I Come?" Peter asked to which Steve ruffled his hair shaking his head.

"Sorry buddy next time okay. For now stay here with FRIDAY and explorer the tower." Steve replied walking off towards where the suits lay.

Peter nodded his head and waved good bye as they both exited feeling sadness in his heart knowing that May is dead. But, he also felt hope as he knew that his world may not be over.

• • •

"Shit I didn't realize it was this bad." Steve said staring at the building right as the jet landed. "Everyone grab as much kids inside as you can. Tony start to put out the fire!"

The main four avengers (Tony, Steve, Nat, and Clint) were assigned this mission as the rest of the Avengers were off in another country doing a harder one. The four ran towards the front of the huge foster care group home. Kids were screaming and running out and the three entered. Tony began to fly around outside trying to put the fire out, Clint was getting all the kids on the second floor out, Natasha was getting the kids on the first floor and pushing them far away and Steve was on the third level.

The thick smoke filled the air making it hard for Steve to breathe. He could obviously hold his breath a bit longer than the average human but it was even getting bad for him to breathe in which was worrying him for any kids that might be in the room. He broke down a door and looked inside the room. Beds were everywhere and on fire, little clothes and toys filled the room.

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