Chapter 10: Chunin Exams - The Forest of Death!

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Chapter 10: Chunin Exams - The Forest of Death!

The remaining genin followed Anko to the gates of the 44th training ground, aptly dubbed the Forest of Death by many due to the many poisonous plants and insects as well as the gigantic beast that lived in the forest. The entire forest was about 20km in diameter and a perfect circle. It was fenced in with high, nearly sixty foot fences. It had 44 gates around the perimeter.

"This, my little friends, is the Forest of Death." Anko said, "And it's where you'll spend the next five days." she smiled cheerily, "Of course those of you from other villages will have to sign waivers so we aren't held responsible for your deaths."

As she said this two full wooden shop stands popped up behind Anko, a chunin behind each with stacks of papers waiting to be signed.

"Well, get a move on. I'll explain the test whenever you've all filled out your waivers." Anko clapped and everyone went to sign a waiver.

Once everyone had signed their forms Anko collected them and clapped, two more wooden stands appeared out of nowhere, this time filled with scrolls.

"This task is simple. Cellect both a Heaven and an Earth scroll and get to the tower in the center of the forest." Anko said, "There are no rules except for these two; don't leave the forest, and don't open the scrolls. If you are caught doing either you will be disqualified." she said, "Now you'll each send one member to get a scroll and I'll send a chunin to escort you to your team's gate."

Ino connected her mind to all of her friend's, "Guys I won't be able to cover the entire forest, if we're separated we won't be able to work together." she said to them.

"Worry not Ino, I have placed tracker bugs on all of you. Naruto knows how to follow them so he can lead you." Shino said, "We will attempt to meet up as early as possible. If something happens my bugs can communicate over large distances and we will hurry to your location."

"Thanks Shino." Naruto said aloud, "We'll make sure to find you all as quick as possible."

Shino nodded and went with Sasuke and Choji to get a scroll.

"Well, I hope that we get put close to each other." Choji said, leading Hinata away as Shikamaru waved them over to the gate they were entering.

"We've gotta go too Sakura." Kiva said, pointing at Shino, who was walking behind a chunin.

"Good luck." Sakura said to Ino and Naruto.

"You too!" They waved as she left. Naruto and Ino went to meet with Sasuke. They were led to a gate with the number 7 on it.

"Heh, that's ironic." Naruto said as he saw the sign.

"BEGIN!" Everyone could hear Anko's voice start the exam. As she shouted all the gates fell open and the teams rushed forwards.

"Alright, Shino's bug it telling us to go this way!" Naruto led the way, going left around the wall instead of going further into the forest.

As they traveled Ino stopped, "Guys, don't move forward!" She whispered loudly, "I can sense another group of genin really close to us."

Naruto and Sasuke stopped, jumping back to land on either side of Ino. "We can't just not go forward though, and the bug will get confused if we go to far around." Naruto said, "I say we plow right through them. We need a second scroll anyways."

"The dobe is right, they aren't gonna be stronger than us so I don't see why it matters if we waste a bit of time taking them out." Sasuke said, unsealing a sword and attaching it to his belt.

Ino shook her head, "Alright if you two think you can do it alone I'll stand back, because one of us needs to make sure that Shino's bug doesn't get squashed." she said.

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