Chapter 9: Chunin Exams - The Impossible Test!

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Chapter 9: Chunin Exams - The Impossible Test!

As the group of rookies looked at Naruto a teen with white hair and glasses walked up to them, he was from Konoha, as was evident from his headband.

"You sure are some brave rookies." He said with a small laugh, "I'm Kabuto Yuki."

"And I'm sure you know who we are?" Shikamaru said, there was something fishy about this guy. Noticing his friend's reluctance Naruto nodded at Ino slightly, an action that she returned.

A simple message was passed through the group of rookies, DO NOT TRUST.

"Everybody here does, you're the largest group of rookies that I've ever heard of. And the first group of rookies in a few years at that." Kabuto said with a shrug, "I just wanted to offer some fellow villagers some advice."

"And what kind of advice would that be?" Sasuke asked. He had got the message but he wanted to test this guy for himself.

"Well, the layout of the exam, maybe some data on the other competitors." Kabuto offered, "I could even tell you who's favoured to win the exam tournament."

"Tell me anyone who could be a threat." Sasuke said.

Kabuto smirked and pulled out a deck of playing cards, placing five cards on the ground, "Well first there's you, Sasuke Uchiha. Last loyal Uchiha and a prodigy in his own right. Completed 50 D-Ranks, 1 C-Rank turned A-Rank. A stage 2 Sharingan in either eye and an affinity for Lightning and Fire chakras. Currently learning the Hatake style of kenjutsu and being trained in ANBU assassination techniques." Kabuto said, flipping over a card that had all of Sasuke's stats on it, "Next there's Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki, son of Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, and Kushina Uzumaki, an elite jonin, has been training under Kakashi Hatake since a young age. Has an affinity for every chakra nature, with Wind nature being nearly unparalleled. Currently training with Jiraiya of the Sannin in fuuinjutsu and a practitioner of the Hiraishin taijutsu style." Kabuto flipped over a card with Naruto's face and stats on it. "Then there's Neji Hyuga, branch member of the Hyuga clan. Rookie of the year the year before you and a prodigy compared to Itachi Uchiha. Since he trains in secret and hasn't appeared on any missions in the last month since returning from the Land of Waves with squad 7 not much is known about his mastery of the Hyuga clan's Gentle Fist. His mission completing rate is 100%, having completed 75 D-Ranks and 9 C-Ranks, though one of them became an A-Rank." Kabuto said, flipping over a card with Neji's face on it.

"There are two more." Sasuke said, "I want to know about them."

Kabuto shrugged, "First there's Kurotsuchi. From Iwa. She is here with her squad, Akatsuchi, her best friend and the son of one of Iwa's strongest jonin, and Byatsuchi, her cousin. Both her and Byatsuchi are grandchildren of the Third Tsuchikage Oonoki. Kurotsuchi has completed 75 D-Rank missions, 15 C-Rank missions, and 2 B-Rank missions. She is known to possess the Lava Release Kekkei Genkai." Kabuto said. The card had a picture of a pretty teen girl with short black hair and black eyes.

"Lava Release?" Sakura asked, "Isn't it said that Lava Release is on par with the First Hokage's Wood Release?"

"Indeed it is. What's more is her cousin Bytsuchi is said to have it as well, though there is no data of him using it so I can't say for sure. If he does though he'll be on this list too." Kabuto said, "And finally there is Gaara of the Sand, from Suna obviously. He's the son of the Fourth Kazekage and his teammates are his older siblings, Kankuro of the Sand and Temari of the Sand. Gaara has completed 0 D-Rank missions, 22 C-Rank missions, 11 B-Rank missions, and 3 A-Rank missions. It also says that he's never been hurt on a mission before." the card that Kabuto flipped had a picture of a pale boy with red hair and dark rings all around his green eyes. He had a red tattoo that read love on his forehead.

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