Chapter Twenty-Nine - Hold on Tight

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Narrative P.O.V.

Moonlight poured into the room through the large windows that lined each wall.

Cain stared at the ceiling, watching the shadows that were cast on the ceiling of the trees outside his window as they danced in the midnight breeze.

He could hear each footstep as the two guards patrolled the floor level beneath him. The sound of their footfalls echoed across the empty room.

Even louder, though, was the sound of her voice in his head.

"Are you sure about this?"

He had been so sure.

So sure that sending her away was the best idea. So sure that she would leave trouble with him. So sure that she would be safe.

The only thing he was sure of now was that he had made a grave, terrible decision in letting her get on that plane.

He had followed them to the airport. He watched her as she went through the security lines. He even watched her get on the plane.

Sanity, reason and logic fought a diligent battle against his heart and desires as he watched her disappear from sight.

Run after her.

No, let her go.

In the end, he took too long to decide.

She was gone.

And his heart left with her on that plane.

Receiving the news of Zak's offer to negotiate infuriated Cain.

Even then, hours later, Cain's hands still trembled with rage.

Cain wasn't sure if Zak truly understood what it was he was trying to bargain with. Ella wasn't silver or gold. She was his mate.

Cain had done terrible things to people for lesser reasons. What did Zak think was going to happen when Cain got his hands on him for kidnapping his mate and holding her for ransom?

Cain had to give him credit, though.

Because of Ella's substantial worth, there was no price Zak could put on her head that would be too much.

There was nothing he wouldn't do to get her back.

When Cain met Ella, he looked into the eyes of his greatest vulnerability and he had never realized it until that moment.

She was an obvious weakness and the thought of her being so made Cain's skin crawl.

As a strategist and leader, weakness and vulnerability were two words that Cain intentionally kept out of his vocabulary.

What was he to do now when the traits he avoided showing and hated seeing in others were the very things required of him to get back what he wanted?

Of course, Zak would certainly not be on the receiving end of a vulnerable moment with Cain.

No, Cain didn't plead with anyone.

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