Chapter Twenty - Bad Veins and Lipstick Stains

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Narrative P.O.V. 

Cain stood around the large, oval-shaped table with six of his best strategists. 

Of those men, Daniel and Jai were included. 

All of them wore a solemn expression, their eyebrows driven together as they studied the forensic evidence strewn in front of them. 

Although an autopsy had been performed, there was no need to try and determine the cause of death. 

The Indian Beta had been drained of every ounce of blood in his body. 

Large pictures of his corpse taken from different angles and of different parts of his body were lined up in front of the men. 

The lurid images told a story of a death so painful and gruesome that it made Cain's stomach twist. 

His head hung from his body by a thread of a tendon, his neck nonexistent. It was as if the Vampire who had killed him had eaten the skin in an effort to drain him entirely. His face distorted by gashes and ribbons of flesh that hung from his cheeks and nose. 

They found the Beta in his bathtub. 

He was naked, but no water was in the tub. The dried blood that stained the tub and the Beta's body led Cain to believe there was no water in the tub at the time of death. 

"It's staged," Cain said, splitting the silence and tension building in the room. 

Daniel's head turned to look at Cain. 

"How do you know?" Jai asked. 

"See this?" Cain asked, pointing towards the dried blood. 

Everyone leaned in.

"There was no water in the tub when he was killed and I very much doubt the killer drained the bath before he drained him."

"Maybe he was about to take a bath?" Daniel suggested. 

"You ever get into the bath before turning it on?" Jai asked.

Daniel shrugged, seeing the point Jai had made. 

"Besides," Cain added, "how many people get into the bath without a towel nearby? Judging by these pictures, he never even got one out of the cabinet." 

The men in the room went silent as they all thought about each variable.

A knock on the door pulled Cain from his thoughts. 

"Yes?" He asked, watching the door slowly creep open.

Cain raised an eyebrow as Dr. Zosak stepped in, being that he was the last person Cain expected to see. 

"Can I speak to you privately?" the doctor asked.

Cain looked around and everyone took the hint, rising from their seats and exiting the room.

As soon as they were alone, Dr. Zosak closed the door.

Cain crossed his arms and leaned against the table as he looked at the doctor expectantly. 

"I don't think you should send her away."

Cain fought the urge to roll his eyes as he stood up straight and turned to start gathering the photos that scattered themselves across the table.

"Do elaborate," Cain said.

Dr. Zosak noted the thinly veiled sarcasm that laced Cain's voice, but he spoke anyway. 

"I have a bad feeling about all of this," he said.

Cain turned to look at the doctor, giving him an incredulous glare.

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