Chapter Twenty-Seven - All Roads Lead Home

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Unknown P.O.V.

"You lied to us."

Otto Müller was on his knees, literally, begging for forgiveness.

"I don't know. I swear," he cried.

"You do know!" The man bellowed, eyes burning.

Otto Müller said nothing, his hands trembling in the shackles that held them behind his back.

"You only had two jobs," he continued. "You were supposed to kill the damn Beta and then kill him."

Otto's eyes shot up to glare at Zak, who was standing in the corner of the room.

"You sent him to kill Cain as well and he couldn't do it either," he said to the man. "Why is he not in chains too?"

Zak crossed his arms.

"Zak was only supposed to gather information," the man snarled. "His attempt at the life of the Alpha Sovereign was unplanned and opportunistic. Besides, he was able to track their location, which proved much more helpful in the long run than anything you've contributed thus far and he's delivered the girl after you were unable to."

Otto Müller exhaled a shaky breath.

"I couldn't kill my own granddaughter," he said.

"No," the old man agreed, "you couldn't. So you were going to put her on a plane to send her here for someone else to do it and when that didn't work, you sent a bloody nightcrawler to do your job for you."

"The nightcrawler was supposed to kill Cain, not Ella."

The man looked at Otto in bewilderment.

"You thought that a nightcrawler, who are notorious for being weak and decaying creatures, would be able to kill the strongest being who has ever walked this planet?"

When Otto Müller said nothing in his defense the man scoffed.

"So give me one good reason to believe that, after all the damage you've done, you truly don't know where they are?"

Otto Müller shook his head.

"I swear I don't."

The man sighed, unsatisfied with the answer he was given.

"We found the tracking device you planted in the girl's ankle," he told him. "That's how the nightcrawler knew where to find her, isn't it?"

Otto nodded slowly.

"So in the twenty-three hours after you escaped the Indian Beta's men, before you came here, you never once looked at the tracking beacon to see where she was?" The man asked.

Otto shook his head.

"Then how did you know to find her here?"

"That's what I'm trying to tell you! I didn't know she was here and I don't know where she was before she went to D.C."

The man gave him a smug smile, immediately catching the lie.

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