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"So what are you thinking?" Lucas asked me. We were in my house hoping Hopper would be there. I couldn't understand why he'd just leave like that without leaving a note or even calling beforehand. He knew how anxious I was after the crazy stalker lady incident and now she's back with a letter - and he's in Illinois.

I sat on Hop's seat twiddling my fingers, debating wether to read the letter or not - assuming it was in fact, a letter in the beige envelope. My mind boggled. I tried to think of who this woman was or where she came from. Was she someone important or just some crazy stalker? But she knew I had abilities...right?

"Mel?" Lucas nudged me, bringing me back to the real world.

"Uh... I don't know," I blinked, "He must still be with Joyce in Illinois."

"No, not Hopper," he sighed, "The letter."

"I don't know," I shrugged, trying to avoid gazing over at the envelope placed on the coffee table. "I haven't really thought about it."

He scoffed lightly, "Liar. I bet temptation is killing you right now."

"Maybe, but...we have bigger problems." I sighed, correcting my posture as I tried to focus on something else.

"You're right. Maybe it's just me that's nosey- I mean, worried." I managed to crack a smile at his attempt to make me laugh. "I don't hate you, you know." He said gently as he crouched down on the floor by my feet. "I know we've had this conversation before but I feel like I have to remind you because of my sudden urges to be sarcastic to you."

"Okay..." I replied in a mumble. I didn't quite know what he was getting at. Sure, Lucas and I weren't the best of friends and we didn't get along in the beginning but we were still friends regardless. For whatever reason, he often brought up that he doesn't hate me - which was nice, I guess.

An awkward silence engulfed the room as Lucas scanned the room for something to talk about. His eyes met with a pair of sparklers on top of a shelf, "Those for tomorrow night?" He pointed towards them. My eyebrows rose, realizing the next day was the 4th of July. I nodded, my gaze turned back to the floor while I remembered why I got Hopper to buy two. "For you and El?"

"For me and Dustin."

"Oh... I-I didn't know you liked him."

My stare darted to him, "I don't." I stated blankly, trying not to blush, "He's with Suzie now anyway."

Lucas rolled his eyes with a scoff, "If it makes you feel any better, I don't think Suzie is real." My eyebrow raised, "I think he made her up because most of us are dating now and he's too much of a bitch to ask you out himself so he made up Suzie." I could feel a small smile forming on my lips at the possibility of his theory being true.

"Dustin likes me?"

"Duh! He's literally told me countless times." Lucas admitted with a grin when he saw me blush. "But he also told me that he thinks you're out of his league - which is another reason I believe Suzie is made up."
I couldn't help but smile as he spilled out his thoughts. "But don't tell him I told you."

After our conversation was over, I ran into my room and changed into a pair of shorts, pulled on another one of Hopper's old shirts and tucked it in and tied up my roughed up converse again. I heard Lucas answer the door for everyone after their hospital visit to see Doris Driscoll that didn't go to plan. Grabbing my walkie, I called out for Dustin in hope for a response but nothing. I couldn't quite shake that something horrible happened to him.

I set up El and I's shared bedroom so she could find Billy once more. I turned on the radio, tossed her a box of tissues before quietly closing the door behind me. I walked into a discussion between Mike and Max about Eleven's 'limits'. As much as I wanted to share my thoughts on the matter, I didn't have the energy to yell along with them. I found myself in Hopper's chair again where the smell of his cheap cologne still lingered.

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