Dessy's bio 2 ft. Vic

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( I really think doing your bio will be my weekly thing, but I love it, so I hope you don't mind )

♡ Mikela "Mickey" Clifford.

♡ 18 years old and perfect.

♡ Friends ; Miles, Zayn, Destany (me lmao), Victoria, Harry, Louis, Niall, Melody, Michael, Camila, Canon, Diana, Mina, Margo, Amelia, Alex, Brittney, ( maybe more? ).

♡ Taken by Niall Horany and he should get online because he's missing a lot of amazing that is her.

♡ I'm her best friend. Me. Not you. Me.

♡ From what I've seen on my newsfeed, Her twin is Diana Melison.

♥ Mik, we have our ups and downs. Both anon and ooa with each other. You get mad, I get mad, and we butt heads alot but sometimes our personalities clash and it makes an argument sometimes, and alot of the time, it's my fault. When I say "I'm never giving this friendship up", I mean it with all my being. Tonight, I realized that today ooa, you had some issues, and tbh those friends were fake and screw them. You have me, alright? Whether you like it or not, I'm always here for you. And have I ever told you? I have this fear, that you'll get older ooa, and not want to be friends anymore. It scares me to death. It makes me worry. I've let you in, and I'm giving you the power to easily destroy me. I really hope you don't, I'm taking a chance here. I hope you like the update of the bio? It's kinda my apology..I'm sorry Mickers. And have I ever told you that you're different from all the others? You're better than all of them, Mik. You'll /always/ be the one I love the most. You're in my heart, on my mind, you are underneath my skin, anywhere & anytime that you need anything, count me in. ♥

I love you.

(ps, you should rlly get on -Vic)

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