Statuses [Rant]

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I've seen a couple statuses

And they were just- no.

One was about being horny

Of course it was a Harry (He was single)

And he asked if anyone wanted to fuck.

*Cough* thirsty much? *Cough*

Another one is about cutting

The status said "One cut, two cut, three cut, four. Should I add one more?"

I forget what the rest was-

But no. Stop. Its just for attention, ikik.

But, stop.

Suicide, depression, etc

I know people are depressed, but don't put it out there

And everyone finds out its fake.

Suicide, I've seen people saying "I should end it today, nobody would care" "Goodbye. I doubt anyone would notice" no. Stop. I've also seen something

They do this like, everyday. "I-i am fat. I-i should stop e-eating" nO. Stop.


I can't even keep going.

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