Chapter 4

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I glance at the view through the car window. My heart weighing down my torso like a heavy metal wrapped around a fragile rope, about to break and let go of the heavy object. I texted Cole to talk to Mrs. Scottman about his complaint, and blabber everything that douche has to say. But it doesn't matter because I'm not gonna be the one he's going to talk to. Call me fucking selfish. But in a span of an hour, I've never felt so annoyed, irritated and upset in my life. I just wanted to leave but couldn't. Him being in the same room as me gives me a vision of how prison would feel like. A dark, shitty place to be in, and I'm not mirthful about it.

"Ad." I hear Lopez softly call from my right. I have my back towards him. I don't want him to think that I'm in a bad mood nor do I want to flood him with my tears of doubt right after he took my card. We were walking in the parking lot, and I desperately tried so hard to avoid his curious gaze that he was throwing me as he jingled his keys with his index finger. My heart weighs heavier. The sound of his voice with my name doesn't sound normal. I can feel the wariness starting to consume the car.

I don't say anything.

I watch the trees followed up with houses and fallen leaves pass by briefly as the car accelerates through the road. I notice the sun, disappearing and appearing again as each houses' roofs go pass. The deafening silence comes rushing back through the vents, filling the car's atmosphere and as seconds go by it starts to feel awkward. Like old times.

"Hey," Lopez softly wraps his hand around my arm, stroking my skin comfortably. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I can feel his hand sliding down my arm, linking his fingers through mine which I return by folding my fingers through his, the pads of my fingers touching his knuckles along with the veins that molds in his skin. I always love it when Lopez and I hold hands. It makes my insides feel a rush of relief every time our skin gets in contact. It's a sign that I'm secured, that I have someone to hold on to from falling into a black hole where I can get lost in.

I lean my back against the seat, giving Lopez' hand a squeeze. I glance at him, he's driving so it's hard for him to look at me but he does from time to time. And each time he gives me a smile like he's pleading for me to curve a smile like his. His right hand is consumed by mine while his left hand is wrapped around the stirring wheel. I start to get lost in him again. I admire the same bone structure I observed last night. His lips from the side looks puckered, his lower lip slightly bigger than the top. I remember what it felt like kissing those. And it felt amazing. My stomach churns, aching to have a taste of those once we get to my place. My parents might be sleeping at this time or doing home paperworks that they have to finish. I frown, slowly thinking of losing my chance in having to savor not only those lips but his neck, his torso... I flush at the image that flashes into my head of me leaving a trail of kisses along his chiseled stomach, I think I even left a hickey on the right side of his chest.

Fuck it. Fuck my parents. Fuck everyone who catches us.

I need this. I need a distraction from what had happened today and I haven't experienced anything like what I felt last night; I might as well give him another try and maybe it'll ease the shitty feeling lingering above my abdomen.

My right hand wraps around into a fist, I bring it up, pressing it against my lips, letting out a cough which immediately sends Lopez' head turning to me but only for a swift second before he has to look back at the road. "What is it, Ad?"

I draw a short breath before flinging my leg over the other. "Lopez," I stop. I look back at the car window and I can recognize the street we're in. We're close. I turn my head back to Lopez, his eyebrows raised waiting for what I'm about to say. "Can we- can we go straight to your place instead?"


This chapter is shorter than the last few I know lol. I'm actually writing this in a rush since I still have a shit ton of things to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2020 ⏰

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