Chapter 3

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Cole's POV

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Cole's POV

"You don't wanna be associated with my attitude, I don't wanna be associated with a murderer." I smile, clenching the corners of my mouth to give out a sarcastic expression. I've heard a lot of things about Adeline Clarke. Even from St. Laux, people whisper about her thoroughly. She's not the most relevant person when it comes to her accomplishments, but she definitely is relevant when she makes mistakes. And whatever she did to cover up her murder case with her brother, it's something she'll be guilty about for the rest of her life. So the crowd of people throwing out gossips around corners isn't gonna help her, instead it'll haunt her more to the point that she might take her own life.

Adeline's face immediately turns livid, her jaw starts to clench, her eyes filled with misery. If she were an abandoned charger left sticking through an electric socket, the heat in the atmosphere will make her explode. Yeah, that's what she looks like.

I start to feel a wave of pity for this girl, realizing that she has to deal with this everyday. But, I guess karma just ordered me to do what's best. Adeline is still looking at me, I can imagine the lasers that might appear in her eyes, ready to burn me alive. With her being focused and mad, she doesn't notice Lopez, who's allegedly her boyfriend after the accident. Lopez doesn't pay to glance at me nor even warn me to shut my mouth, he just goes ahead and wrap his hand around his waist, his head ducked down to see her expression.

With Lopez' touch, she recovers. She blinks multiple times, breaths in a decent amount of air and proceeds to sigh in relief when she sees her boyfriend beside her.

"Hey." He pulls her closer to his side "You okay? You look like you're about to explode." He chuckles, bringing his hands through her hair, grabbing a few strands before tucking them behind her ear.

Does he even realize that I'm standing right over here?

Adeline shifts her eyes to meet Lopez's, her eyes full of affection and lust when he takes over her vision. A smile consumes her lips. She doesn't exactly have a dimple, but when the smile fully formed, the corners of her lips folds. "I'm fine." Right when she says this, I realize her smile isn't real. The tone of her voice sounds like she just wants to drive away far from this place.

Lopez nods, his head finally turns toward me. I expect him to greet me but all he does is tip his head as sign that they're leaving. Something about the two of them sends a flood of nostalgia washing over me, only to squeeze my heart achingly. I can tell by the way they talk, how they send delivery through body language, and how their expressions show that they understand what the person is signaling. Right now, I feel Adeline's uncomfortable state from 3 feet away. Now I just feel bad.

"Bye Cole." She smiles, as fake as her last one. She's the one who turns around first then Lopez follows suit. I watch them walk off, Lopez's hand still attached to her side. I see him rub them against the fabric of her top, his lips moving, probably trying to reassure Adeline that she did nothing wrong. When I see them finally reach the exit, I don't miss Adeline pulling her. phone out from her pocket.

I clench my eyes shut, feeling as if I made a mistake. I feel like such a douche andד I deserve to be thrown off a cliff. I wasn't there when it happened, it's not my business to know what had happened either. Maybe Adeline isn't in the wrong. But even if she is I'm no different.

I reach the front of the school, the same time Penelope's Black Toyota slows down to reach the curb. I hurry down the steps, not only to keep Penelope waiting but I just want to be at home, laying on my bed full of pillows, with the AC fanning over me and just... sleep so I can shut the world out.

Pulling the car door, I slide in. I let out a quick "hi" to her as I fasten my seatbelt. I glance at her, she's wearing a dark blue turtle neck that clings into her torso tightly to show each and every curve of her. Her Apple Watch flaunts itself as it sits around her wrist, her hair is slicked back into a low ponytail and to top it off: she's wearing her black Ray Bans to show how professional she is. Let me represent to you, Penelope Hayes. My most irritating, people pleaser, try-hard sister that has dollar signs as eyes.

We don't have the best relationship growing up. She likes to push me out of the door to hook me up with her sickening friends who are no different compared to her. She's only a couple of years older than me. A collage dropout who surprisingly succeeded with building her own business and wants nothing but boys, money and competition.

"Hurry up." I groan, slanting back against the leather seat. She purrs, gliding a coat of lipgloss against her red lips. I'm about to roll my eyes until I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I slightly tilt to the side as I stuff my hand into my pocket until I have my phone wrapped around my fingers. I pull the device out, expecting a message from either Gretchen or Caleb but as the screen lights up, it shows that it's neither of them. It's a message from a number that I'm not familiar with.

From: 189398867
If ur willing to leave, u can ask mrs. scottman for a transfer.

It's obvious with the topic this message is holding. It's Adeline. She must've gotten my number from the registration book where an organized list shows the different study groups available; the members, including their information printed.

Curiosity starts blocking my brain. Call me a hypocrite all you want, for everyone in high school are all living to express hypocritical energy. I can figure this out. I'm not exactly using Adeline but I can at least be friendly, enough for her to tell me about what really happened. I can even help her get out of the false slash true reputation she holds.


I have a YA story in mind that I'll be working on tomorrow. It's safe to say that it might be published by 2 months or more. Also might delete this story even though I want to reveal a lot of things :( but sad to say if I don't get much motivation, my inner insecurity might get the best of me. I want to know what y'all think:

Should I keep this story and continue Read4Reads?

x Liz

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