Chapter 12: first date 💕pt. 2

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*you walk up to a patch of trees with only a small path*
B: what is this?
J: *smiles and winks at you*
*you just smile back and follow him to a cute little clearing on the sand with a picnic set up*
B: you are adorable
J: I try my best
*you smile at him and he smiles back. He pulls you close and you go on your tip toes and kiss each him*
*pulling away you smile at him*
J:let's sit
*you walk up to the blanket and you sit down carefully. Jackson does next to you*
B: what is this place? And when did you have time for this?
J: well I come here all the time. It's like my special spot to go when I need to think. I've only ever brought you here. But as for timing I made it work
B: well I'm glad you brought me here
J: me too
*you smile at each other*

*a while later*

J: woah look how beautiful
*you turn around and look at the sky*
B: wow it's gorgeous
J: I was talking about you but the sky looks pretty too I guess
*you giggle*
The view:

J: woah look how beautiful *you turn around and look at the sky*B: wow it's gorgeous J: I was talking about you but the sky looks pretty too I guess *you giggle*The view:

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*you watch the sunset and talk while you eat the "chocolate covered strawberries" (because why not).*
J: alright, truth or dare
B: truth
J: really?
B: duh i want to ease on into it
J: ugh okay finne
*he thinks for a moment*
J: what are youd 3 biggest fears?
B: needles, heights, and spiders
J: heights?
B: yeah
J: so no roller coasters then?
B: definitely not
J: would you ever go on a Farriss wheel with me then?
B: idk... Maybe
J: please?
B: only if you hold me close
J: I will do that whether it be in the air or not
B: aww
J: I try
*he shrugs smuggling*
B: truth or dare
J: truth because you did
B: celebrity crush
J: definitely Shakira
B: why
J: cause she's hot and her looks remind me of you
B: haha I wish
J: you don't have to when it's already true. Truth of dare
B: truth
J: who's your celeb crush?
B: Tom Holland
J: why do girls like him
B: because he's Tom Holland
J: ... And...
B: he's HOT and adorable at the same time. He's just the fluffiest of cinnamon rolls
J: I don't enjoy the fact that you think he's good looking
B: oh please so are you
B: truth or dare
J: truth
B: okay, why did you ask me out?
J: because youre beautiful and you are so different than the other girls here
B: thanks
J: you're welcome
*he smiles*
J: truth or dare?
B: dare
J: I dare you to teach me how to braid hair
B: what?
J:yeah, teach me how to braid your hair
B: lol why tho?
J: I just want to know how
*you part your hair into three sections and let him start braiding.*
*he does a decently good job and you laugh with him the whole time*
B: truth or dare?
B:I dare you to show me your 31st picture in your camera roll
J:ugh nooo
B: yeah
*he finds it and shows you*
B:haha cute
J: it's so weird
*its a picture of him and his mom when he was a little bit younger*
J: fine. You show me your 231 pictures
*you unlock your phone and open the picture... It's of you and your ex hugging*
J: ...whos that?
B: ... My Ex
J: oh...


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