Chapter 6: Splashes

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You get butterflies as his head is so close to yours and his hands on top of yours. You turn your head to say something but he turns as well causing your lips to touch slightly you pull back a little out of shock and you just pretend it didn't happen. You felt super awkward.

Later on, you lay down in the sand tanning. You are talking to Savannah and getting to know her. All of a sudden you feel cold water on your back. You squeal. You look up and see Jackson laughing. You stand up and give him a playful shove and he says,
"You wanna fight?"
"Ya dude" you reply jokingly. You pick up the bucket from the ground and throw the extra water at his face.
"You got my hair wet, you're in for it"
"Oh shit," you say smiling nervously. You run around him and sprint down the beach with him close behind. You squeal again as he picks u up from behind, throws you over his shoulder, and runs into the water making sure not to get water on you yet. You squeal again,
"No! Do not drop me"
"I'm going to throw you in" he replies smugly. He swings his arm as if he's going to throw u.
"1..." he starts counting, "twoo..."
"I swear Jackson if u throw me I'll..."
"Youll what?" he asks obviously not worried
"Never go on a second date with you"
"Seriously," he asked
"Seriously" you reply
He gives you his famous Jackson pout. "Aww poor baby," you say in a motherly voice imitating his pout. He smiles
"What?" you ask
"Hou look cuter than I do like that"
"No way," you say starting to blush
"Yes way," he says in a girly imitating tone. You laugh
"But seriously put me back on the sand"
"All for a small price"
"What do u need?"
"you have to give me a kiss on the cheek"
To his surprise, you just smile and say,
You wrap your arms around his neck to pull yourself up to kiss his cheek. Your lips smash against his soft, sun-kissed skin. You pull away after a few seconds and he's still in semi-shock but he smiles and is clearly blushing
"I'm not that good of a kisser. No need to be nervous" you tease. he gently sets you into the water. You squeal once again.
"Hey!you promised"
He laughs, "I changed my mind" and smiles
You splash him. He splashes you back. You splash more water on him. He splashes even more back. You splash him and quickly go under the water to swim up behind him. To his surprise, you jump out of the water onto his back. He goes under a little bit before coming back up for air. He smiles shaking his head at you. He swims under and picks up upon his shoulders. You laugh and yell "help!" at the group but they just watch you laughing. He throws you in and you splash him again before swimming away. He swims after you and grabs your waist making you go closer to him.  You are already laughing as he holds you from behind and he's laughing with you. You look up at him. His head perfectly rests on yours. You decide to all go on boat ride with Jackson's older brother Austin. You sit in a back seat with your sunglasses on.

I fluffed my hair while I watched Brooke by the boat from a distance. She looks so beautiful. Austin came up to me and asked
"Dude who's the chic?"
"Is that the girl you couldn't stop talking about last night?"
"Shes kinda hot"
"Back off Austin cause that cutie is mine" I smiled. We walked up to the boat.
All of the sudden my little brother Grey ran up to me
"Can I come?"he asked
"Eh, I don't know buddy" I replied "please please please?" he asked. I look at Brooke and she's smiling making her cute "aww" face.
"Fine, hop on"
I walk over and lift him on bored I climb up after and walk towards the one open seat near Brooke. I see Grey sit down next to her. I shake my head and stand near Austin for a minute to prepare the boat
"Hi, I'm Grey"
"Hello Grey I'm Brooke"
"Woah u sound like the guy on my favorite animal TV show"
She laughs. I think I just fell in love
"Im from Australia, we all talk like this there"
"Thats so cool! We sound boreing over here."
She smiles. She looks up and catches me staring.
"Lets see if we can make room for Jackson, he looks a little left out" she winks at me. I walk over and Brooke puts him on her lap (just pretend Grey is like 6 okay?). She holds him so he won't fall. And he looks content. We start to go. She looks so beautiful. I see the way her eyes sparkle when she sees him talking. I can tell she's not just being nice to him and enjoys his conversations. Without thinking I put my hand in hers and she interlocked our fingers still looking at him. She squeezes my hand to let me know she will remember that.

A while later

The sun is down and we are still going. Grey fell asleep on her lap and she held him in such a motherly way. It was actually really attractive. She shifted back and forth rocking him a bit.
"Hes so cute" said Brooke
"Yah when he's sleeping at least."
She laughs.

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