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Hey guys!

I know this is the commonly skipped part of every book, but I would advice everyone to please take the time to read through it. 

If you haven't read 'Laceration' you definitely should, as it is the first part of this story. You may be confused (or not) if you read them out of order. But as we all know, wattpad readers will do whatever they want. I just thought to let you know. 

Thank you so much for reading this book! You could be doing a number of other things right now, but you have chosen to spend this time reading my book. For that, I am truly, and completely grateful! Words cannot express my gratitude, dear reader. 

Please leave your comments, good and bad! I love criticism! I read through comments and make changes according to recommendations, so please let your voices be heard because I take them very seriously. Do not forget to vote also!

I would like to appeal to everyone to be kind to each other here. I would hate to see unfriendly banter in the comments because that would mean I would have to ban all users involved from reading the book any further. I would hate to do that because my reader mean the world to me. So please, let us simply agree to disagree when we see that things might be getting out of hand. But I encourage educated and friendly conversations. 


Thank you once again for reading my book! I hope you enjoy what you find and decide to join me on this journey of mine. 

Love, Beni 

To you, my love.Where stories live. Discover now