5 - Kill The Inventor

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September 2013

Dear Briella,

College is a big flop so far and I can't deal with it.

 We only just started school, and already they're giving us tests and a bunch of homework that no one cares about.

Who invented school?

I know they're very likely already dead, but I'll kill them again just to make sure they're "properly" dead.

If you know what I mean.

Who was this guy and who let him run around with enough time on his hands to come up with these inhumane ideas? It's ridiculous!!

What's worse is that none of my friends are taking it seriously so it's hard to focus on anything. They stay up till all hours of the night and make a racket. So even if I don't join them in whatever it is they're doing, I still won't get any sleep. That means when I get to class in the morning, I'm half asleep, half insane, and the borrowed half is pissed as hell.

I hate my friends, yet I like them so much because they're the only reason I haven't booked the next flight back to Georgia. They keep me going, they really do.

But I'll never tell them that.

School would have been so much more fun with you here though. The guys would have loved to have you around. I'm sure they would have been all over you like I was.

You made the world such a better place. I know college with you would have been no different.

P.S, I'm broke as hell and wouldn't be able to afford a ticket anyway.

Love, Peter.

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