6 - Kimberly Fisher

18 4 5

October,  2013

Dear Briella,

Her name is Kimberly.

Kimberly Fisher. We have English class together and she is by far, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life.

And that is also in comparison to Veronica.

She doesn't say much in class, she is very quiet. But her presence is felt the moment she walks in, by everyone. I think people are afraid of her for some reason, but to me, she looks like an angel sent from heaven. 

Are you barfing from my corniness yet?

She passed by me one time and I swear she smells like grapes and other lady like things.

Don't judge me. 

She also always has some type of grape juice with her. A real conversation starter, don't you think?

And even though I spend a good half of the class staring at the back of her head, not once have I gathered enough courage to talk to her.

She is so beautiful.

Her hair is long and brown, like mum's. And her eyes are blue and Lord knows they are the most magnificent blue I have ever seen. You might look at her and think she couldn't be more simple looking, but that's what makes her so special. That she looks like the average person but every simple thing about her catches me off guard.

I have never felt this way before and it really sucks that I might never get closer to her than staring at her from the dark corners of my English auditorium like the shameless creep I am.

P.S, all my friends are still single, so there really isn't any hope for me.

Love, Peter.

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