Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Hello all! I'm enjoying writing this so far; I hope you're enjoying reading it. I know the story is only just beginning, but things are going to get a lot more interesting :) 

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Making my way outside, I stumbled as my headache continued to grow steadily worse. I held my head as I wandered deeper into the dark garden, not paying attention to my surroundings. It was almost as if I was being drawn somewhere; to a place I knew, but I couldn't focus long enough to think.

 Every step I took made my head worse, but I couldn't stop, couldn't slow down. My heart pounded, blood rushing through my veins, the pressure becoming unbearable. I felt like my heart and head were fighting; not sure which would explode first. 

Desperately, I almost ran forward, feeling like if I could get there, wherever there was, then I would be fine, that my pain would fade. I could feel a scream building, my throat and chest expanding with the need to release it.

Finally, I could move no further. Falling on my knees, I felt a burst of pain, my vision turning white with the flash of light in my mind. My breath expelled from my mouth in a rush, the scream strangled and weak as the pain dwindled until mercifully gone.

"Your destiny is upon you! Face your fears and your dreams!" 

The woman's voice, the same from the hotel lobby, echoed in my ears. My head whipped up, searching for the source. For the first time I noticed my surroundings, the strange place familiar yet unknown. The woman stood a few feet in front of me, a wall of shadows behind her. The wall drew my gaze, the black depth generating an aura of fear and awe. It was filled with neither malice nor benevolence, but the potential of either, demanding respect and caution.

I turned back to the woman, startled to see her closer than before. Her face was only a few inches from mine. When had she moved, I wondered. I started to move back, feeling uncomfortable under her intense stare. Her eyes……….those strangely familiar silver eyes…… they pierced through me. I felt her eyes boring into me, searching my very soul.

At my sudden movement, she hissed at me, her facial expression cold and unyielding. I froze, fascinated, yet scared. I knew she wasn’t human, but that’s all I knew. I had no idea of what she could be or what she was capable of.

Without warning she straightened her body and seemed to come to a decision. I could only hope she found what she sought and was not disappointed. “Come,” she said, holding out her hand. Tentatively, I reached out, not sure of what would happen. Her hand gripped mine and with surprising strength she pulled me up to my feet.

“Who are you?” I whispered.

“I am your watcher. I have been waiting for you, waiting until the moment was right.” She swiveled away from me, her hand sweeping outwards in a graceful movement. A light sparked into being; glowing blue at her fingertips. I gasped; the sound loud and echoing as I stared in wonder.

The light expanded and rose above us, illuminating the surrounding area. As it did so, I had a sense of déjà vu, like I had seen this before. Confused, I gasped once again as I realized that I had, but not in real life. This was part of my dreams come to life. The same dark trees, bare branches almost reaching out to grab and the same starry sky, moonless and clear. Even the shadowy wall, though I had not recognized it right away.

I pivoted around, my attention once again riveted on the mystery woman; the watcher. “What the hell is going on?” I yelled at her. “How is this possible? Am I dreaming?”

I was angry and scared at the same time. This wasn’t possible. My dreams were just dreams; not real, not alive. I was terrified. If this were true, if it was real, then what else in my dreams were real?

She laughed; her voice lighter and more relaxed that it had been. “Yes, it is real. I have waited many years to finally guide you here.” Her happiness at completing this task was obvious.

Her abrupt change in behavior startled me. “I don’t understand,” I said, bewildered.

At the look on my face, she smiled and said, “I know you are confused, Garrett, but everything will be explained in time. First you must find your path and your allies; for your journey is just beginning.”

How did she know my name? I know I have never met her before, yet she seems to know my deepest secrets………my dreams.

Flinging her hand out in front of her, she muttered something under her breath, causing the blue light to withdraw back to her fingers. Then she pointed at the shadowy wall and the light pierced the shadows; the swirling mist becoming more agitated.

Her other hand hovered next to her, fingers spread as if to grab something. Muttering again, I saw my staff appear in her hand, fading into being until it was solid. “You will need this where you are going. Do not ever let it out of your sight!” She was serious once again, her eyes demanding a response.

“What do you mean? I’m not going anywhere. I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, but I’ve got to be dreaming or hallucinating; hell I don’t know, I could have finally snapped and am going completely crazy! But there is no way this crap is possible.”

My chest was heaving, hands clenched in fists at my sides. I was confused and angry, my head beginning to hurt again.

“I know what you are thinking, Garrett. But this is real and it is happening whether you believe or not.”

At her words, the shadows rippled and tendrils seeped out, searching. She thrust the staff against my chest, forcing me to grab it. Stepping back, she gestured towards the seeking shadows. Oh hell no, I hollered in my mind. Spinning around to face her, I took my eyes off the darkness that was reaching for me. I tried to take a step, but was prevented as I felt something wind around my body. Screaming, I fought against it; refusing to give in.

It was futile. I was pulled backwards, struggling without success. I watched the woman with horror, her eyes shining with joy and a smile on her face as I was forced, screaming, into the shadows.

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Yay! A bit longer of a post this time. Finished Chapter Three and we’re finally getting to the good parts lol. I would love if you guys would leave a comment, letting me know what you think so far. How am I supposed to know if you like it if you don’t? 

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