Chapter XXXI: My Precious Velvet Part I

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A loud sound broke the silence of the sea early in the morning. Laphicet and Eleanor were up sooner than usual, training with Avernus and his malak, Tia, performing their new artes on the pirate ship's deck. The freezing winds of the Northgand were ceased to blow, making it suitable for the team to start their drills earlier.

Velvet was sitting on the railing with her legs stretched on the bar. She was watching Avernus and Laphicet together. The Shepherd patiently spoke the verses to the little malak, explaining the causes and effects of the artes in short but detailed descriptions. Avernus's backup plans for every encounter made him not only her shadow but the rest of the group as well.

Velvet once again fell into the whirlwind of her thoughts that filled with paradoxes:

Was that Shepherd's real responsibility? Was Artorius the same?

No. Artorius sacrificed Laphi and Velvet's life for the needs of the many. Avernus was fighting the whole world alongside her for the needs of the few rogues and most wanted criminals. Even with everyone calling him an idiot, Avernus was the most sensible in an insane world running by reason.

Velvet eyes blinked faster; it was suddenly so clear to her; Avernus would never abandon them, never harm them, or say that it was against the reason or the ordinary folks' needs to help the few outlaws. Avernus will always be there, and he would die to protect them. In that case, he was the Shepherd of the wolves.

Velvet abruptly felt a familiar impression; she looked at the ship's bow and saw the high walls of Titania coming into view. Eizen opened the door to crew quarters, and the team readied themselves for disembarking. The boat sluggishly anchored in the docks, and the sailors placed the ramp on the pier.

Rokurou came out with Medissa, still bound by the purple chains. They all formed a circle around her, escorting the therion out of the vessel. Medissa inspected the area. Her snake eyes darted from one section to another, "So, this is your secret area. Once I get free, you won't stand a chance." She hissed, threatening them.

The chains heated up and burned her skin. Medissa groaned in pain. Behind her, Tia was standing with her half-clenched hand, "You won't get that chance. I will slice you in half faster than you can fizzle, snake." Tia dauntingly told her.

Medissa giggled in pain, "You all better sleep with one eye open, especially the Shadow and the Calamity!"

Velvet slowly passed by her, giving her an unimpressed look, narrowing her eyes in indifference, "Look how worried I am."

The two therions stared at one another, trading hate glares.

"Welcome back, everyone!"

Kamoana screamed; her voice broke the tense moment between Medissa and Velvet. She was waiting on the far side of the docks to greet the crew after their long voyage. Avernus walked faster towards her.

"Avernus!" her voice became gruffer as she ran into his embrace.

The hate and aggression in Medissa's eyes disappeared in an instant. Her mouth remained half-opened. She watched Avernus spinning Kamoana around like a carousel, and the small girl giggled clamorously.

"How's my little princess? Did you miss me?" Avernus asked her compassionately.

"Yeah! Last time, you were sleeping all day! I was bored! Dyle is dull, and Kurogane always makes noise when he works with his hammer!" Kamoana protested, twirling in his arms impatiently.

Laphicet caught Medissa's reaction and her startled gesture, "That's Kamoana." He introduced her.

The silence on Medissa's lips finally broke, "She's the same age as Diana! Did Lord Astor turn someone so young into a therion? And the Shadow... he..." she wondered, her voice was softer but gloomier at the same time.

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