Chapter XIV: Wolves at the Gates

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Avernus raised on his feet and went to one of the knocked over chairs. He flipped it back amidst the burnt wood and fallen debris and seated as if he was oblivious to his surroundings. Avernus pulled his notebook out of his pocket and started writing. Tia went to his side and gently cleaned his face with a cloth. Avernus ignored her as his eyes were focused on the paper.

"Are you okay?" Tia asked.

"I need to take notes from our encounter. That thing was unlike anything that I've ever fought."

Tia bent over and cupped her hands over his face, raising it to meet her gaze, "You're hurt. Stop writing and let me heal you."

Avernus paused and cluelessly stared at her for a few moments, then nodded, closing his notebook. "You're right."

Tia cast a healing spell over his body. His wounds began to disappear one after another. She sensed his scrambled thoughts and the damage the daemon's psychological attack had been caused to his mind. "Revert your thoughts to something pleasant," Tia advised.

Avernus smirked, "Like to Velvet?"

Tia clicked her tongue as she was cleaning his cheeks with a white cloth, "Not unless you have a death wish."

Avernus looked at the mansion entrance and noticed the architect's family. The remaining villagers were gathered and looking at him with approval.

He managed to smile slightly for them before his thoughts came rushing back; The psychological nightmare he endured, his failures and screams of Velvet gnawed at his soul again. But it was a long time since people looked at him like that; A hero.

His staff came twirling back to his hand. "Come on, Tia. We've done all we could. Let's get back."

Architect rushed to his side, "Wait, young man. You didn't tell me your name."

"There is no need for you to know my name-"

Tia interrupted him, "His name is Avernus."

The architect slightly bowed in respect, "We will not forget your kindness, sir Avernus."

Avernus raised a brow in complaint at Tia for spilling his name and wordlessly bowed to the architect in return. He and Tia navigated through the rubble. However, some undamaged mock-up caught his attention; A city built on what seemed to be a lake. Avernus moved closer to inspect and blow off the dust. "Is that a city built on water?"

The architect joined them and smiled proudly, "That's right, young man. It is called "the Aquapolis," my dream project. But it's a little bit too soon, and I haven't found the place. Besides, with all the workforce that went to building the Empyrean's throne, I doubt the empire wants to pursue this one."

"Aquapolis." Avernus stroked his chin and smiled to himself. "Hold on to it. Don't lose your sight, and maybe someday, You can make your dream a reality."

The architect bowed again, "Thank you a thousand times for your kind words, good sir. I hope we meet again someday."

Avernus nodded and exited the mansion. He looked up to the sky and noticed they took their time dealing with the daemon. "We're going to be late."

Tia merged with him and surged her power through his body. "Then let's get back. Pronto."

At the Zekson port, Velvet released the messenger Sylphjay, and it flew to its destination. Velvet closed her eyes, sighed, and gave Avernus' pendant to Benwick, "You breathe a single word about the letter to anyone, and I'll devour you, limb by limb. And don't forget to give his pendant back to him when he returns."

Tales of Berseria The X: Beyond CalamityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora