So Long and Good Night, My Dear (Frerard)

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I sat on there thinking. I did a lot of that. I must have spent half my life here just thinking. I stared at a leaf shaded with reds and orange's. I wish I would have brought my sketch book with me like I'd normally do. But if I went home I woulb be treated by the screams of my parents yelling at each other of nothing. That's why I was here. To get away from it.

They were always ethier drunk or just caught up in there own life. They never noticed me. The only time they acknowledge my presence is when I'm in my room playing my music. They hated, and I mean hated what I listened to. Mom always came storming into my room screaming at me to "Shut this emo crap off."

When I try to explain to her, she'd scream and smack me. I would leave and come to this spot. My rock. My place.

"H-bello?" I heard a male voice behind me say.

I jumped up not bothering to wipe away the tears I have been sheading, "Uh, hello...?"

"Are you okay?" He asked, still not stepping into the light.

I nodded, "Y-yeah. I'm fine."

He stepped into the moonlight, finally, "You don't look fine."

"Thanks." I scoffed

"Sorry, you look depressed. That's all. I'm Frank."

"Gerard." I muttered.

Frank smiled, "So what's really eating you?"

I shrugged, "Parents are at it again."

"Sorry 'bout that, man." He frowned.

I stood and looked at him. He was beautiful. Sharp features and soft hazel eyes. Frank had two peircings, one on his lip and one on his nose. He looked my age, 16 or 17. I am 17. Frank was alittle on the short side.

He cleared his throat, "So, um. Are you going home?"

"Yeah, I don't want to get caught sneaking back in." I said and left him standing there.

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