log 2: hysteria

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"Do you see this, Tenno? Can you see how far my creations can reach? How big this will be? The investors would gladly be delighted to see that we have something that is on par of a Tenno's power. Feast your eyes, Tenno, for you won't have any of those anyway afterwards."

I remember seeing the Valkyr design and how she acts when her parts are saved by my brother. Long story short, she scared me. If it weren't for my brother, who explained what she is and her origin, all I felt is sympathy. Even for an inaninate frame, I always thought what would happen if a frame had a life.

Maybe they do, but they're probably designed with the absence of free will, made to serve and please their masters.

A fascinating warframe, she is. Valkyr is a peculiar frame. She seeks out for blood and her bloodthirst won't stop. Yet, fear is not what I feel for her, but pity. She's a warframe that was experimented and broken to pieces, with no hopes of being mended.

Corpus should never make warframes if they wished to make the perfect ones. Instead, they broke a perfect warframe.

Brother brought Valkyr to his orbiter and invited me there, hoping to discuss some stuff with me.

I told him, while I feel pity for her, I didn't want anything to do with her. Why would I, when she's going to be controlled again, this time by me. I cannot place the suffering that she suffered again. I just wanted her to be free.

"Valkyr is driven with madness, sister. It's time that we simmer it down."

While my brother had a point, it still won't get away from my mind if I ever placed her into being my puppet.

"Take your time to decide, sister. But it's not the right time to think selfishly. Transference does not mean they become our puppets. They become us."

Brother left the scene when I stood at the foundry. I sighed. I put my hands on the blueprints for her parts.

"You and me, we are the same. Aren't we? We never asked for this, yet here we are."



Also i dont like Mag Prime cosmetic-wise. Its sad, tbh, as she's one of my fave.

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