log 1

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Chaos. The sounds of shrill screaming and crying. Panic filled the air. Everything is in chaos. The only thing I see is red. My ears kept ringing to the irritating sounds. Sounds of low groaning, but I cannot hear them clearly due to the screams. I covered my ears. I'm in the corner, curled up, hoping none of the feral adults were to find me. Hiding is the only option I have, as the other children probably found a way to escape, rather to save themselves. But please, for the love of the Void...

Save me. Save me. Save me. Save me. Save me. Save me. Save me. Save me. Save me. Save me. Save me. Save me. Save me--


I lifted me head up quickly. I know that voice. How is he still here? Why did he come back?


"I..I am here!"

A boy emerged from the rubble, following my voice. When he turns to my form, he sighs in relief and runs to me. He crouches to cups both my cheeks.

"I found you. Good." he whispers, "We must leave now!"

I nodded, but stopped. He...he's covered in blood. My eyes widened.

He noticed my expression, so he shook his head, "This blood...this isn't mine."

"W-What did you do?!!"

"Come on, (Y/N)!! There's no time! They will catch up to us if we didn't make it!"

"My dear sibling, there's no need to be afraid. These people, they will protect us."

"But what if they don't? What if they turn their backs on us, just like how mommy and daddy did?"

"Then we will protect each other, just like how we did before."

"This is your first warframe. Mag. This warframe is an expert in enemy manipulation. Magnetic energy is in your control. Let it be released to those that will hinder you from your path."


AN: This will be chapters that will reveal parts of your past without actually being revealed in the story. These are just short chapters that will probably be less than 500 words.

(Also, disclaimer, if you play warframe and you don't like Mag, please do let me know. I considered Nova to be the warframe of choice, but I chose Mag cuz starter huehue)

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