Chapter 32

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Laura's POV

Almost a week later and I haven't told Ross yet; in fact, I've been avoiding him altogether.

It hasn't been too difficult to manage, since every time he's texted or yelled for me through the window, I've convinced him that I needed to stay with my dad.

Sooner or later I'll have to tell Ross about my departure for Broadway. I can still remember the pained expression on his face when I told him—last minute—that I was leaving for London. The difference this time is, London was a three-month-long trip. In this case, Broadway is a forever goodbye from Los Angeles.

"Ross!" I shout out the window, my lips acting faster than my brain. Now or never.

"What's up?" he shouts back, poking his head out the window.

"Can you come over right now? I sort of have something important to tell you," I trail off.

Ross stares at my facial expression, sensing my apprehension and anxiety even from across the way, "I'll be right there."

Shit. He's worried about me. He's absolutely going to blow up when I tell him the news. Flashbacks come screaming back to me of the last time I delivered some unexpected news to him in my room, right before our anniversary. I definitely won't soon forget the disgust and anger he had out for me that day. 

"Laura?" Ross calls from the hallway, having just sprinted up my stairs. He barges in my room without knocking, but it's not like I expected him to knock, given the state he's in, "What's wrong? Is it something with Damiano? Is he going to be okay?" Ross grabs hold of my hands in a comforting way, "Are you okay? Are you sick or anything?"

I lift up the corners of my mouth in appreciation of his caring nature, bringing him in close, putting my arms around him, "I'm fine," I breathe into his chest, "My dad's fine. We're perfectly healthy."

I can almost hear Ross's heart drop inside his chest, since he must have figured that what I have to tell him instead is far more grave and heartrending than a simple illness.

"Listen, before I say anything," I retract my arms in order to see Ross's face while I speak, "I want you to know I love you. I truly do."

He holds me by the back, a light and firm hold, "I know you do, Laura. I feel the same way," Ross presses a kiss to my forehead.

I gulp at his sweet display of affection. He's not making this any easier, "That's why it's so hard to say..." I let my voice trail off.

"What?" Ross presses, "You're scaring me, Laur. Please tell me."

I breathe out one final time before Ross has the chance to blow up in my face, "I got in."

He lifts my chin up so I can look him square in the eyes, "Got in? Where? What do you mean?"

I can already feel some tears starting to form, but I have to maintain a strong face, at least until I get through it all, "Broadway," I manage to smile a bit, "It turns out, the producers loved my audition tape and the recommendations my dance instructors sent in. I accepted the offer a little while ago," the excitement on Ross's face almost makes me break down right then and there. He tries to hug me in congratulations, but I place my hand on his chest to stop him, "You didn't let me finish: the thing is... I have to move to New York next week."

Ross's face falls, and no words escape him. I want to back away and give him space to let it sink in, but his grip only tightens around me. It's almost as if he's holding me here with him so that I can't go, "Y-You're leaving?" he cries, nearly as teary-eyed as I am, "D-does that mean we..."

"Yeah," I try to hold a brave face, which breaks down soon enough when I see how weak and heartbroken Ross is.

I manage to move out of his grip and step a few paces away, avoiding eye contact. One look into his eyes and somehow, I know he'll surely convince me not to go, because I'm weak when it comes to Ross. For God's sake, I gave up my ring finger for him. Ross has been the one constant in my life that's felt right ever since we met, even when all else seemed wrong, "I'm sorry," I turn away so I can't see his eyes.

I'm just as broken up as Ross is—even thinking about leaving him for the rest of my life tears me up inside. On some level I'd always pictured that we'd end up together for life, which seems vaguely plausible now, "You know we have to do this. It would be absolutely horrible, having to be away from you, knowing we both care about each other but can't do anything about it. It'll be the worst to miss you and not be able to be with you," I turn myself to face Ross, but I don't dare look him in the eyes.

Ross once asked me what he is to me, and I wasn't sure what to answer then. Now I know. He's my better half. He's the one I've always been able to count on, through thick and thin, giving me massages after minor dance injuries and motivating me when I was stressed because I had to choreograph three dance numbers in a week. Through it all he's been my number one supporter, believing in me when I didn't even believe in myself. Leaving him is like losing a part of me. Even if we can still talk to each other over the phone or on Skype, it won't be the same without having him next to me, "Can you promise me one thing?"

"Anything," Ross reassures me, just as he always has.

"Promise me that when you find someone you have feelings for, that you won't hold yourself back and keep your feelings closed inside. That was your biggest regret with me, and I hate to think that I made you too nervous to show your feelings. So please, promise me that in the future, you'll take your chance," I close the gap between Ross and me because I'm not ready to leave him, "Kiss a girl out of nowhere to tell her you like her or ask her for a date to go skydiving," I laugh, "Be spontaneous. More importantly, be the same charismatic, confident you that I fell in love with."

Ross flashes a grateful smile at me, wrapping his arms around my waist to pull me against him. His tears seem to have dried following what I've said, and as he plants a soft, yet prolonged kiss on my lips, he tells me how much he loves me, and how he'll make sure to take my words to heart.


omg only 1 chapter left :'(

dw I'm pulling out all the stops to make it an amazing last chapter (ever)

but yeah anyways sad chapter :( laura's leaving ohno and yes she really is leaving spoiler alert she's not gonna decide last minute to stay but I promise the last chapter is gonna be good and not sappy (well not too sappy)

saving zoe is out and yeah I rly wanna watch it soon ahhh


Steph (yesifeelgoodr5)

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