Chapter 27

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Laura's POV

I wake up with my face completely smothered in blond hair, so much that I'm sweating, but I can't complain. Why would I? I smile into Ross's hair, then blow the tangled mess away from me, using my hand to sweep off any strands that fall back over my nose.

When we fell asleep, Ross had his head just above mine on the pillows, but we somehow moved around in the middle of the night and now his head rests on my shoulder. It makes my breath hitch every time his exhales tickle my bare nipples, but I know better than to start another round with Ross unless I don't plan on leaving this bed today.

I try not to bother Ross's sleep or move too much as I twist and turn to slide my legs off the bed, followed by my hips. It takes more effort than I thought, but I manage to slip out from underneath Ross without waking him. I then begin searching in my bag, next to Ross's, in the corner of the room, for the oversized shirt I packed. In a swift motion, I pull it over my head and begin collecting my scattered clothing items from around the room.

My previously ironed dress is lumped in a wrinkly mess on the floor, damn it. And I notice Ross somehow managed to throw my bra perfectly to hook onto the doorknob. I check all over the room for my last piece of clothing, finally catching sight of it under the bed. Bending over on my hands and knees, I grumble when I discover my panties ripped on one side, "Shit, Ross," I whisper-shout at him when I stand back up, "You are so buying me a new pair!"

I suddenly shiver from the draft blowing in from outside. Oh, I guess neither Ross nor I ever got a chance to close those doors last night... oops? I scurry over to the balcony doors and pull them shut, careful not to wake Ross up in the process.

I turn and head for the restroom to clean myself up a bit, but the ringtone on my phone stops me. I run over to my bag to pull my flip phone out, then walk into the next room to answer it, "Hello?"

"Laura, I've been calling you. Didn't you get my messages?" my mom rushes through her words in a worried tone.

"No..." I answer with caution, "I was sleeping and I just woke up. It's only—" I check the alarm clock on the kitchen wall, "8:08 AM."

"Oh, sorry, but this is an emergency, and there's no easy way to say this," she starts gravely, "Your father had a stroke last night. He's been in intensive care ever since we got to the hospital."

My heart sinks. No words come to my mouth, only sharp, punctuated breaths. I press my thumb to my temples, trying in vain to calm myself, "What? No. Oh my God," my chest heaves in exasperation, "Oh my God," I repeat.

"How fast can you get here?" my mom presses.

"I'll leave now," I hang up and immediately dash back into the bedroom to zip up my bag.

Clothes are all packed already, and I'm positive I didn't leave anything in the rooms. Phone, check. Keys, check. I'm all set. I run out of the bedroom, but then stop abruptly in my tracks, figuring it's pretty important to make sure Ross knows I'm leaving.

Well, actually, if I wake him up to tell him why I have to go to the hospital, he'll worry and insist on coming with me, even if I say I have to go alone. Don't get me wrong, I love how much Ross cares about my parents and me, but this is serious.

What if my dad isn't going to make it? My dad needs my mom and me, and it's my responsibility to be with them. This is a family issue, and I don't want anybody's sympathy right now. I just need to get to that hospital.

Perhaps I can text Ross instead and he'll see it when he wakes up? Sounds like a plan. I frantically whip out my phone from my back pocket,

Sorry I had to leave—

Right in the middle of typing, my phone chooses to die on me. Grr, I guess I'll have to do this old school style. Luckily, I saw a notepad on the kitchen counter as I was running out. I quickly sprint into the kitchen and rip off the first page, bringing it and a pen back to the bedroom.

My brain scrambles to find the right words to say, but turns out my heart already knows what to tell him.


I'm so sorry I had to leave, but my mom called to tell me that my dad had a stroke. We're all at the hospital right now. I'm not sure if he's going to be okay, and this is really hard for me.

I'd appreciate if you wouldn't call or text me within the next few days. I think I really need to be with my family right now. If there is an emergency and you need to contact me, the name and address of the hospital are at the bottom of this note.

Thank you for understanding. It means everything to me that I can trust you.


My handwriting is slightly sloppy, but neat enough to read. Hopefully, he'll get the gist of it when he sees it.

In a mad dash, I break for my car in the driveway outside after making sure I have all my things.

I hope I didn't blow anything over on my way out. I check back in the room again, and nothing's broken. Is that a stray piece of paper under the bed? Oh well, I don't have time to throw it away right now.


hi hi

CAOS comes out next week then the perfect date after that and omg omg laura's gonna be in the next a cinderella story movie with gregg sulkin omg my disney heart yo do you guys realize that both ross and laura will have been in a movie with him haha status update ayee

I will sue if I don't see an a&a song video from the tde tour smh we've been denied it for too long


Steph (yesifeelgoodr5)

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