Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


Fury and I stood on the roof of an apartment building, watching as the jet disappeared with Scott and Storm inside of it. The sky was dark seeing as it was nearly eight o'clock in the evening.

"Come on." Fury huffed as he headed towards the door across the roof. I silently fell into step behind him with my bag still slung over my shoulder and my gun in my waistline. If Steve didn't recognize me then I had no plans to use my powers to make him realize that it was me. I saw my gun being my best friend for the foreseeable future.

We walked down a few flights of stairs before coming out on the floor that Fury said Steve lived on. When we stepped out my gaze instantly snapped to a young woman wearing scrubs that was standing in the open doorway of an apartment.

"Good evening Director." She nodded to Fury, sending me a confused look. Fury only nodded back before walking up to the apartment next to hers. He slipped a key from his pocket and put in the lock so the door opened. I slipped past Fury and went inside before him to look around. The lights were off but even so I could tell that it was a nice apartment.

Out of nowhere music flooded the apartment and I turned to see Fury sitting down in chair in the living room.

"So, when will the Captain be coming home?" I leaned against the archway that led to the kitchen. Instead of answering though Fury simply brought a finger to his lips, silently telling me to be quiet. I only rolled my eyes and turned back around into the kitchen. I opened the fridge to find bottles of water. I reached in to grab one just as I heard the front door open again. I quickly, and quietly, shut the fridge as the front door shut too. Ducking down to hide myself from being seen I pulled my gun out from my waistband of my pants, ready to fight if I needed.

"I don't remember giving you a key." I heard an all too familiar voice say from the living room.

"Really think I need one?" Fury responded. "My wife kicked me out."

"Didn't know you were married." Steve told him while stayed hidden and listened to their conversation.

"There are a lot of things you don't about me." Fury simply said. "Vanessa?" Taking that as my cue I stood up again, gun still in hand, and walked over to the kitchen doorway. At hearing my approaching footsteps Steve looked over at me with cautious eyes, untrusting.

"Who is she?" He asked.

"Vanessa is my neighbor, she was kind enough to drive me here." Fury lied. "Like I said, there's a lot of things you don't know about me."

"I know, Nick. That's the problem." Steve looked back at Fury, his body tense. When he looked at Fury though I could see his eyes widen slightly, clearly noticing Fury's injuries for the first time. Before he could say anything though Fury held a finger to his lips, signaling him to be quiet. He pulled out his phone and showed us what he'd typed on it before.

Ears everywhere.

"I'm sorry to have do this, but I had no place else to crash." He started to type on his phone again before showing us the next message, this one I already knew.

SHIELD compromised.

"Who else knows about your wife?" Steve nodded to show that he understood what Fury was 'telling' us.

Us three.

"Just my... friends." Fury hesitated slightly on the last word.

"Is that what we are?" Steve raised a brow at him and I had to bite back a laugh.

"That's up to you." He got up to his feet and started to cross the room to Steve. Before he could reach though the window shattered and gunshots filled the air before Fury collapsed to the ground, bleeding. On instinct I pulled out my gun and ran to the window. I paid no attention as Steve moved Fury, my focus was on the man in black on the next building's roof that had a gun in hand. Noticing that he'd been spotted the man fired his gun again, aiming at me. I ducked out of the way, but not quick enough to avoid a bullet grazing my arm, causing it to sting.

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath as I hid under the window. I heard someone breaking down the front door and aimed my gun there until I saw the woman from the hall running in and going right to the kitchen where Steve had dragged Fury to.

"Captain Rogers?" She had her gun aimed at Steve as I crawled across the room and only stood up once I was safely inside the kitchen. I aimed my gun at the woman, remembering how Fury had said that SHIELD was corrupt.

"Captain, I'm Agent 13 of SHIELD's Special Service."

"Kate?" Steve furrowed his brows in confusion as he looked at the woman.

"I'm assigned to protect you." She nodded.

"On whose order?" I spoke up.

"His." She seemed to notice Fury for the first time as panic filled her features and she knelt down beside him. She pulled a radio from her pocket and pressed a button on it. "Foxtrot is down, he's unresponsive. I need EMTs!"

"Do you have a twenty on the shooter?" An agent said through the radio. I looked at Steve to see him looking through the window in the other room. I followed his gaze to see the shooter still there.

"Tell them I'm in pursuit." Steve told the woman before he went jumping out his window to chase down the shooter. I was more than tempted to go chase the shooter with him but I forced myself to stay put.

I knelt down beside Fury's unconscious body and pulled off my shirt without hesitation. I held it to his abdomen to try and slow the bleeding the best I could before the medics could get here. There was so much blood. Looking at Fury lying there in front of me all I could see was Phil. I wondered if this was what it was like when Fury had tried to save him.

"Who are you?" The woman asked, her gun now aimed at me.

"A friend of Fury's, he brought me in to help." I told her without looking up.

"What's your name?" She asked in a firm tone as medics came bustling into the apartment and surrounded Fury, setting to work to try and save him. I stepped back running a hand through my hair, unfazed by the blood that transferred onto my hair because of this simple action.

"Vanessa Penix." I remembered the name Fury had said and said the first surname that popped into my mind. She didn't ask me anymore questions as we watched the medics work.

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