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'well well well look who we have here'

we all turn around and see niall. the one person i dont want to see. (a/n no offense to 1D but in this story they are enemies.)

'why is you here?' lucas says. looking disgusted.

'i lived here. but im leaving so bye.' he says and walks out the door.

i sigh and roll my eyes.

'well come on, we should go cover all windows and doors with wood or other stuff.' i see a few nods and one stare.
i furrow my eyebrows.
'how are you so calm?' poppy asks.
'im not calm! my fucking boyfriend died saving me! i watched as he was chewed to death. i could of helped him but i knew it was too late! dont say im fucking calm' i spit.
she gives me a scared looked but drops her head in sadness.

'sorry'she mumbles while walking down the corridor.

'hurry and find something sharp.' i ask everyone.

lucas has a crowbar, hazel had a set of knifes on her shoulders, ariana had four machettes.

'here mason,' she says, throwing me a machette.

'thanks' i say

i hear a ear-piercing scream and me and the rest of the group sprint up the hallway. to our suprise poppy was tackled to the floor, a zombie trying to get its jaws to her face.i run up and push it off her, then stab the zombie in the head with my sword. 

i nod at ariana and she chucks poppy a sword.

'now use it.' i say to poppy. she rolls her eyes and walks away.

'why is she pissed off at me? what did i do?' i ask

everyone shruggs there shoulders and sigh.

im sorry fior the exteremly short chapter but im am getting abit bored of this book

i will definately be updating but not as much.

please pklease please give me some ideas and i will try my hardest to update.

love you aqll

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