Skyhold, Sand, and Some Time Alone

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When they returned to Skyhold, Evelyn barely had the chance to bathe and change into some more comfortable clothes before there was something else causing an uproar on her doorstep. She was making her way down to see Cassandra and get a report on things in her absence when she spotted a Chantry cleric arguing with Josephine. "The matter is urgent, Lady Josephine!"

"I am well aware of that, Revered Mother," Josie said, her most diplomatic stance stiffening her back.

"We will need them to return to Val Royeaux as soon as possible. There are ceremonies... ordinations! Maker's mercy." The woman sounded exasperated.

"That's quite impossible at the moment. However, I will see to this matter as soon as possible," Josephine attempted to calm the conversation to a more civil tone.

"My Lady Inquisitor!" the woman called having spotted her trying to turn and escape. Whatever the issue, she didn't want to be involved. She sighed and turned back around "Please, may I have a word with you?"

"Just when you've solved one crisis, another springs up to take it's place," she said with a deep breath, descending the stairs to join them.

"I am sorry to place this burden on your shoulders, but you are the only one who can help," the Mother insisted as Josie tried to cover a scowl. "With the political turmoil put to rest, our minds turn to a single question. The next Divine. We cannot answer it without the left and right hands of Divine Justinia V."

Josephine sighed. "I have already told you, Revered Mother: Lady Leliana and Seeker Cassandra cannot be spared from their duties."

"But surely with the support of the Empire, the Inquisition will not be harmed by the loss of just two souls?" the Mother pleaded.

"These aren't just any two people!" Evelyn said in shock. "They're key members of the Inquisition!"

"For the sake of Thedas, we must ask you to make this sacrifice..."

Josephine intervened. "This will have to be settled later. The Inquisitor has only just returned and has important business to attend to. You must excuse us, Revered Mother." The Mother glanced between the two of them with irritation before giving a curt bow and leaving. "Don't let them detract from your victory at Halamshiral. The support of the Empire should make our search for the Grey Wardens easier. Varric is eager to help his friend Hawke." Evelyn accepted Josephine's praise and then continued on to where she had originally intended to go.

Cassandra was glaring intently at Mother Giselle when Evelyn walked into the Armory. Mother Giselle glanced at Evelyn and sighed. "Will you not consider it, Lady Cassandra? The Clerics are still sequestered. If no one steps forward, they will debate until..."

"And you think I could make them agree?" Cassandra snapped with a swift shake of her head. In the act, she noticed Evelyn approaching and continued. "I have heard enough for one day, Mother Giselle."

"Talk to her, your Worship," Mother Giselle asked of Evelyn as she passed her to leave.

When she was gone, Evelyn turned to face Cassandra with a smirk and crossed arms. "The fun never ends in Skyhold, does it?" She settled into her hips.

Cassandra was half glaring and half smirking herself. " 'The Inquisitor was hilarious', That's what they'll say one day, you watch." She sighed. "I assume you've heard that Leliana and I are both candidates to be the next divine. Because of what happened at Halamshiral, of course. The Empire favors you, thus everyone close to you. So now the Chantry bandies our names about without even asking us first."

"How can you and Leliana be candidates? You're not even priests," Evelyn asked curiously.

"It's not without precedent," Cassandra explained. "Amara the third was sister to the Emperor, and Galatea a commoner. Leliana and I were, at least, part of the Chantry hierarchy. It would be accepted."

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