Chapter 1

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                   The Fallen Angel
    "When I come to the world, a new mind will come behind that." That's what my mom, Claire Bennett, used to say when I had hate, anger, some could say evil, even though my mom knew that I had evil in my blood she still knew what to say and she still loved every bit of me...but maybe not daddy, Charlie Bennett, she didn't know everything about him and when she did she was gone.
    I was five years old when she disappeared that night. I woke up in the middle of the night. Mommy was there. She put her finger on my lips and whispered in my ear and said "Get away when you can, I'll be waiting, I love you." Then she put her lips against my head and layed my head down. Thunder struck then she was gone. I looked in the mirror and there I was yellow hair with pale white skin with blue eyes. Sometimes I can see my mother in me but then i realize she's not with me.
    I was the last person to ever see her. Even though I was five I understood that I would either never see my mom again or find away out and get to her but never see daddy again.
    That's when I explored and found a tunnel leading out of the mansion behind a garden statue. I was about to leave one night out of the tunnel and then I saw daddy with someone, talking. I hid behind the nearest bush. Suddenly, they gave him the suitcases that they were holding.
    "We held up our end of the deal you hold up yours." The man said calmly.
    "Ok, here." Daddy said subtly. He handed over a box that was full of weapons and I may have been five but I knew the sight of guns at that age. Those were automatic 22 hand guns, illegal. With those in their possession. they both turned around and walked off our property.
    I knew the rest of the tunnel would let me leave but when my daddy made that deal I knew I had to stay and figure it out on my own. Before someone else got hurt.
    The next morning I acted like I knew nothing. Everything was normal from then on, I was going to complete my mission of leaving through the tunnel but that was until I was seven I told my father I saw him kill someone. With cold dark eyes and a monotone voice he informed me it was just a dream. I gave him evidence that the man was here and then he kept looking at me with no expressions upon his face even when we walked by the police. It was so nervracking that every move I had made was being watched by my father.
    When I met Neal, a boy with black hair and a strong jaw, aqua blue eyes that are like the ocean, and ragged clothes. I told him about everything after he swore to secretcy. I found out Neal and his mother, Hermoni, kept coming over again and again. Neal and I became friends quick, but after I turned fourteen, things between us became more than just friends. It was a secret we kept from our parents and from then on it turned into more little white lies then I could count upon my fingers. We made up stupid excuses just to be with each other. One day they stopped coming over. Soon my dad felt something bugging me.
     "Lilypad?" That's me a honey blonde with a smooth face, skinny, and brown eyes. "We need to talk." He told me concerned.
    "Yes?" I asked scrupulous.
    "Is there something bugging you?" My dad asked abruptly.
    "Actually yes, I miss my only friend Neal, daddy." I said vaxationed.
    "Well, I can ask only for Neal to come and we can pick him up in a limo. You stay here. Austin watch Lily for me." He incertitudly demanded.
    "Thank you daddy, I'll see you when you get back." I elevatedly replied.
After daddy got back, Neal came out of the car and he went up to my room.
    "Lily? You asked for me?" He asked anticipating.
    "Yes!" We hugged each other then took the horses down to the creek in the woods we once found together when we were young. "I remember the game we always used to play here, the dunking game. We laughed and laughed after a while."
    "Yes I remember, Lily I have to tell you something, I'm going to boarding school, my mom is making me." He said bemoanly.
    "Oh. Just about everything I love is being slowly taken away from me just because of stuff I found out." I say embittered.
    "All we can do it write to each other, here I'll give you the address." He says with a smile. "Since we are both seventeen they will allow us to send out one letter to each other a week. It's better than nothing."
    So that day was our last to see each other for a while. When we were talking through letters, I drew a board game out then he made his turn every week by telling me what to put for his game piece. That's when we made it, the game, we call Life.
    After a while we say that there really is no ending until the board or the world it destroyed and that's when Neal and I will stop playing. Once you play the game of Life you can never stop. We didn't know that when we were seventeen. It was just a game to us. Soon we made more pieces for the people that wanted to join in on our "conversations" at the boarding school. We called our group The Rebels of Life. "The Rebels of Life" soon met each other in real life.
    There was Maggie, a girl that is a red.  head, likes to read, plays board games, and hates life. She has freckles on her cheeks and is about 16 years old with green eyes.
    Then there is Crystal, a wannabe girl that does nothing but play on electrics and social media or at least she trys. She has white blond hair and deep blue eyes. Very skinny and very light, she is about 20. When your parents are rich they can control your life even as a grown up.
    Crystal, Maggie and I are the only girls then there is three boys, Neal, Jax, and Felix. How Neal met the others was when they caught him writing a letter with a board game on it. As you can see Neal isnt a good liar but when it comes down to it he does. I met them all through the board game.
    Jax is a eighteen year old and a brunette with high lights of green. He has hazel eyes and really deep dimples. His skin is so tan almost black and a personality of a prince you could say. He has really good manners and always sits with good posture.
    Lastly, Feilx, a fifteen year old with jet black hair and violet streaks. His skin is pale white and he barely ever smiles. He always has to make everything melancholic unless he is with us.
    The Rebels of Life snuck out of the school and my house so we could all meet down in a bunker in my woods. The boarding school is just outside of our acres. We all snuck into the bunker led by Neal, I was already there because I left the minuteI could.
    "So this is the famous Lily?" Felix questions while Neal shot him a look."What? You talk about her all the time, Neal." Neal broadened his eyes."Sorry."
    "Yes, I'm Lily." I said close to a whisper." Are you Felix or are you Jax?"
    "I'm Felix, that's Jax, Crystal, and Maggie." They were all wearing black.            "We only have three hours until we have to go."
    "Ok, well let's get to know each other. What game should we play?" I catechize.
    "Let's play spin the bottle." Crystal asserts.
    "No. Let's play...nevermind spin the bottle is better." Maggie declared.
    "Well does anyone else have another suggestion?" Crystal questions.
    "No let's just play." I declare. We all got in a circle and I bring out an empty wine bottle." Let's start I'll go first, then Felix, Maggie, Crystal, Jax, and last Neal." I reeled the bottle and it stopped at Neal."Well that's easy." I say with a smirk and we both kissed for a few moments.
    "Alright, my turn." Feilx announces
He spun the bottle and it landed on Maggie. They both started to blush and slowly leaned in. Suddenly, the bunker seal was turning I ran over to my hand guns, put them both in my holster,grabbed my M16, and put out the candles. Everyone else just got up and went to the furthest coner of the bunker. I turned to them put my finger over my lips and turned back. Pointed my gun up and then it opened. Then I saw it, a black hooded person. It looked at me with its eyes and I knew who it was.
    "Mom?" I asserted with astound in my voice. "I thought you were dead."

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