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    Hi, my name is Lily, the most dangerous girl in the world or so they think, the Don's daughter. A Don is the mafia's leader, and I'm his daughter, the girl that can have whatever I want, the girl that has everything... except a day alone with her father. I have to wait weeks to go anywhere outside these 300 acres of fields and woods. It seems like a lot but if you have been here your whole life it sticks to you. I know every inch of this place.
If you haven't already guessed I have to take lessons on how to fight, how to kill without leaving a trace. My dad says it's for my own protection, but really it's for his because if it leads back to me it leads to him. I know what he has done and I am ashamed of that. The questions he doesn't answer because he doesn't want me to be "involved" I guess. The Question that pops in my head gets me to think what if I'm a monster like he is? Does it go through blood and that's what makes me want to kill people? It hurts to think if your father is going to kill you tonight just for asking him about the "business". And this all started because what he is teaching me... when I was only 7.

I went to go say good night to daddy when there was a knock at the door. The butler, Austin, answered and the man showed him a piece of paper. Austin said. Follow me and led him to daddy's office. Where I was standing. "Go to bed Lily." He strictly said.
I looked at him in anger but then I saw worry in his eyes. So I took off to the room right next to the office.
My room was all purple, mine and my late mothers favorite color. The drapes around the bed just kept me cozy and warm. And the darkness helped me go to sleep.
That night I couldn't sleep with all of the disagreement I heard from my daddy's office and then I walked out of my room and peeked in the key hole and that is right when my father pulled out a gun and shot. The sound of the gun was silent but in that moment it felt so loud... so fake. That night I couldn't sleep. The next morning I moved rooms to the floor above daddy's office.
"Why are you moving rooms lilypad?" My father asked like nothing happened.
"Um daddy?" I said nervously
"Would you ever hurt anyone?" I say with the words nearly coming out.
"It depends, if they hurt my family then yes but other than that no." He said it ever so innocently.
"Then why did you hurt that man last night?" I ask with anger in my tone.
"Now lily, you must of had a dream I would never hurt someone unless they hurt you as I said." He said that with his eyes piercing my soul.
"Then where is the guy that came here last night? His car is still here." I said with evidence that I wasnt dreaming last night even that I hoped I was.
"Oh Lily, my little investigator, sometimes we have stuff we keep secret and kept that way. Next time keep that to yourself and tell no one we had this talk or you and whoever you tell will pay. Now I want you to meet someone, his name is Neal and he is your age. His mother and I have a meeting." He acted like it never happend when he knew it did.
As we walked down the stairs I see out if the corner of my eye a button on the wall, but daddy said sometimes we keep things to ourselves.

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