Take the lead.

42 2 5

A/N: Welcome one, welcome all. Hope you're all well, I'm sure by now you've realised that this isn't usually what I write.

But here goes..........

I was too drunk to think straight, my hormones block out the rational side of my mind, all I could think about was his body. The way it was glistening, under the moonlight and his brown eyes almost look black overtaken by lust and need. I knew in that moment we didn't need to speak a single word, our bodies are saying all things we can't. He suddenly pulls me into his body I grip onto his shoulders, his arms around my waist. His kisses my lips slowly, sensually, the complete opposite to what our bodies are feeling.

I feel his tongue brush again my lower lip, asking for permission, I willing open my mouth wanting more, his tongue strokes the inside of my mouth. A moan escapes my mouth at the sensation, his kiss changes from gentle and slow to hungry and passionate, as his arms wrap around my thighs picking me  up and instinctively I wrap my legs around his waist, grinding on him.  I could feel the his member against the side of my thigh, I kiss him harder, our kisses mixed with passion, need and a type of hunger we can't describe.

I don't know how we get to the sofa, but he gently lays me down, he looks at me for a moment, as if he's memorizing this moment, trying to capture every fleeting second. I can't hold back any longer my body now a cocoon of pent up lust and need, I grab his shirt pulling him down onto me, wrapping my legs around his waist to hold him there. His lips attack my neck, sucking, nibbling on my skin, I know in the morning there will be a mark on my neck, a symbol of this night. His lips trail their way down to the top of my shirt.

He looks at me, the animalistic hunger prominent in his eyes, before hastling undoing the buttons on my shirt, the cool air on my skin causes me to shiver and I pull his body against me, his body radiating heat and warm onto my skin, for a while he just holds me, my arms around his shoulders, his hands on my waist and lower back, basking in this moment.

He looks into my eyes again, this time as a way of seeking permission. Kissing him hard and long I proceed to unbutton his shirt, as I slowly run my fingers down his defined chest.

He groans, grabbing my wandering hands he pins them above my head. Holding them captive as his rips off my shirt and using his mouth and tounge, as he makes his way down to the top of my jeans. I writh and moan under him, unable to keep still.

He continues to kiss up and down my chest, until I'm begging for him. My body aching with need. He releases my hands from his grip.

"Take it off". He says while pointing at my bra, obediently, I unclasp my bra from the back but leave it on. Staring back at him "If you want it off, take it off me". I challenge him, not breaking eye contact with him. He stares back at me with such intensity, I feel as though I'll melt under his gaze. I turn my attention to his bare chest, my eyes wander up and down his chest. Subconsciously my fingers trace his abs and up his chest, his eyes close involuntarily to my actions.

"What are you doing to me?" I hear the fear and confusion in his voice as he unknowingly voices his thoughts. It hurts me, to hear the fear in his voice, his eyes still closed. I hold his face in my hands and kiss him, putting everything I am to afraid to say into that kiss, a promise, sealed with a kiss.

He kisses me back with the same amount if emotion, his hands make their way to the top of my jeans. He opens the ....

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock, groaning I hit the side table attempting to turn off the blaring sound.

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