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(The unspoken) rule number five: sleeping in is definitely a privilege. 

Waking up at four in the morning to shower and get dressed is definitely not something I did on Ekkana, even on days when I had early morning activities.

I forced myself to pry my eyes open as our small alarm clock went off, blaring loudly. I sat up instantaneously, checking my HoloRing for today's schedule. I didn't find it that appealing...

DAY 01



6:15-7:15: BREAKFAST

7:30-8:30: ENGINEERING 01

8:40-9:40: CHEMISTRY 02


11-12: LUNCH

12:10-13:10: STUDY HOUR 

13:20-14:20: WEAPONRY AND STEALTH 01



16:50-17:50: CODING 

18-19: DINNER

19:10-20:00: PREP FOR LIGHTS OUT

20:00-20:30: LIGHTS OUT

Lyss was already rummaging through her dresser to find her plain black bodysuit with the red Aries symbol on it, which cued me to do the same. After looking through outfit after outfit, I finally found the correct outfit for today. I slipped my nightwear off and got dressed in the bodysuit, which wan't the most comfortable. Oh, well. At least it fit.

I struggled to run the flimsy plastic comb I had brought with me through my tangled blonde hair. It seemed as through every time I brushed it, it became even more messy than before. I ended up just quickly brushing it and pulling my hair back into a ponytail.

I wasn't exactly satisfied with my look when I checked my reflection in the small, dusty mirror, but I would do something about it later. After all, I'd rather get to training on time...

I checked my HoloRing in panic, hoping I still had time to get to training. Phew. It was only 4:19.

"Where are we going, Lyss?" Esvira's voice was very gravelly for just waking up. She easily slid a comb through her electric blue hair before pulling it back into a neat ponytail.

"The North Training Facility." Lyss responded, yawning. It seemed that I wasn't the only one who was sleep deprived.

We quickly finished up making our beds. I pulled open a shade to find that the sky was pitch black and it was raining. What perfect weather for outdoor training.

We walked out our door and then locked it before joining the crowd of students bustling out of the north wing. I caught some pieces of conversations as we continued down the hall.

Two identical twins with jet black hair and dark brown skin brushed past me. "Cahra'a, do you think Elite Kayrys is as evil as she sounds?"

"I don't want to find out, Alexia." (Cahra'a?) said, laughing. Both of the twins had a Gemini symbol on their suit. 

"Who's Elite Kayrys?" I asked, hoping I wasn't intruding too much on their conversation.

Alexia and Cahra'a grinned. "Elite Qoran's niece. If she's anything like her aunt..." Cahra'a trailed off.

"We're basically done for." Alexia finished her sister's sentence. 

I nodded, sincerely hoping that they were incorrect about Elite Kayrys's 'warming' personality.

We turned right a went down a long flight of stairs, then exited through a small glass door into the rain. The minute the door was opened wind lashed at the places where my skin wasn't covered with my bodysuit. The cold rain pelted hard against my suit, but none of it percolated through. Right. I thought. Waterproof suits. Nice.

The wind whipped through my hair as we continued to work our way to the indoor training center through the soggy field. I was lucky that my hair wasn't completely soaked or muddy like some other girls, but I still had rain droplets caught in my hair.

Finally, after what seemed like a decade, we made it through the glass doors and into the warm, dry training center. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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