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In what seemed like no time at all, our shuttle soon entered the Aries System. Around the perimeter, there was a thin red shield, separating the small solar system from the expansive universe.

I could tell that the shield would electrocute any ship or being that didn't have a special microchip on it. Even when we passed through it, I felt a small buzz of electricity. Not exactly a shock, but it didn't feel like nothing either.

The planets were so lush and green compared to the Aquarius system. Whether they had a larger Goldilocks zone or kept their planets in better shape, whatever they did seemed to make Exokanna City look like a metal junkyard.
Fyera, however, completely took my breath away.
The planet looked even more lush in the photos (if that was even possible) and the oceans were electric blue. Half of the planet is a rainforest, but the Fyerans have figured out a way to live in it without pushing out all of the inhabitants.

"Passengers, we are now entering the atmosphere. Please stay seated."

The space shuttle suddenly leapt forward with a jolt and my stomach, once again, did gymnastics. The force of us entering the atmosphere felt like I had been crush into a steel box with no oxygen. But as soon as I felt it, it was over. My stomach untangled itself steadily and I soon had time to enjoy Fyera's beauty up close.

There were gasps of surprise as Xaraqia Palace came into view. Calling the sleek, white structure 'huge' was like calling the whole universe 'small'. The palace made Exokanna's Spaceport look like a joke. It was gigantic, the towers came up in spires and a river separated Xaraqia from the rest of Firas City.

"Passengers, we are now landing at Xaraqia Palace's private spaceport. Please remove all luggage from the shuttle. Thank you."

The shuttle soon touched down with a soft impact, and the door out of it opened, revealing an extended ladder for us to climb down to the runway on. A blast of air came into the shuttle after the opening of the door, blowing my hair into my face. As soon as the engines powered off, everybody got up to start collecting their suitcases.

Soon, we all exited the shuttle and were met by a large HoverBus taking us to the training facility. There were Elite Exirists on the bus to escort us to the facility, wearing the traditional black suits but had a pin with a flat red diamond symbolizing they were apart of the Elite. Even Myra, who had spent the whole flight listening to music and acted like seeing space was normal, was impressed.

Halfway through the bus ride, one of the Exirists started handing out tiny microchips for our HoloRings.

"What are these?" Aqira asked, turning hers upside down and staring at the metal teeth, trying to find the manufacturer's name.

"Microchips." A tall female Exirist with straight platinum blonde hair pulled back into a high ponytail answered her question. "They're so you can receive daily alerts on plans and training sessions and help us track you on campus."

Aqira slid hers into her HoloRing, and after a few seconds, I did the same. Soon, I felt the familiar buzz of it turning on. Right away, a holographic map of the Exirist campus popped up in front of me, spinning around so I could see the building from all angles.
"Huh. Cool." Aqira commented.
The Elite Exirist smiled a little bit, but then quickly turned to stone again before we could see.

If I made it past the Elimination, would I be the one on the bus next year, answering questions and pretending my emotions are nonexistent, and similar to the ones of a stone?

The bus slowed as we approached the steel gates and thin, red, electric bubble shield similar to the one that protected the Aries System from unwanted intruders. Just like in space, we slipped through the shield with ease and parked before the giant steel training facility. It was nearly half the size of the castle next to it. 

Across the Galaxy: Book One of the Soliria SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now