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I soon piled my thoughts on being an Exirist over my meeting with Xylora. According to the small data file on where I was heading, The Aries Star System had eight total planets which were all inhabited. The Ariens also seemed to have a monarchy instead of a Galactic Government like the Aquarius System, which suited their thirst for order and kept the laws in place. There were nine total monarchs, eight representing each planet, and one representing the whole star system. I assumed the eight monarchs had many Senators and councils to support their rule and avoid less rebellions. Well, whatever they have done, it works. They haven't lost a war in over five centuries.

The planet I would be going to was Fyera, a lush, green planet with lots of life and amazing air quality. I would be staying in a wing of the training facility that had a view of the grand palace, where Queen Zahra, representative of that planet, resided. She was the most respected leader of them all, with her dark copper hair that fell like lava, amber eyes, and cream colored skin, but her beauty wasn't he only thing that supported her rule. She was a very fair leader, which helped her gain twenty years as queen.

I flipped through the rest of the file, feeling closer to the Fyerans after every page. I was sitting on my carpet, and because I had sat their for the last hour, my legs were beginning to fall asleep.

 Needing to stretch my legs, I took a break from looking at the Fyera file and started to pack.
According to the packing list, I needed only four sets of clothes (They supply you with special fitted suits and uniforms), basic self hygiene products, electronics, and anything else that would treat homesickness (we would be training for a year or more, depending on if we survived the Elimination). 

I set out everything I would need, but the only thing missing was a suitcase. I didn't travel much; I had only been out of the Aquarius System twice, so the last time I had used my suitcase was over a year ago. Trudging over to my closet, I sifted through books, clothes, and old artwork, I still had no luck. I considered asking Mom, but since the flight was very early tomorrow, I don't think she would be too pleased to know I haven't packed yet. After thinking for a moment, I recalled my mom putting it away in the hall closet. Carefully opening my door, I went to the closet and began to search for it. The house was completely silent, so maybe Mom was out running an errand? After all, I had told her that I needed a new HoloRing case.

I almost pressed the button to open the electronic door when I heard a voice. After a moment, I recognized Mom was in her bedroom on a HoloCall. Even though I knew I shouldn't eavesdrop, I crept silently to her open office door and listened. I couldn't hear everything because of my distance, but I caught most of the conversation.

"It's too risky and way too soon." She paused while someone said something on the other end of the call. In the length of the silence, she fidgeted with her HoloRing, a habit I also have.

"Yes, I know we've been waiting months, but we still don't know everything about sample #5289462." She paused longer this time. 

"Yes, we are top level astronomers, but it's too soon to be sure that the risks don't outweigh the benefits. AQ82635 isn't fully assembled." She paused again.

"Agreed. It's best we wait. Destruction doesn't come without severe casualties for both sides, especially ours."

Casualties? DEATHS? What is Mom involved in? She's only an astronomer.

The HoloCall ended with a small beep and the hologram of whoever Mom was talking to shrunk back into her HoloRing. She walked out the doorway and looked surprised to see me. "Calixa, what are you doing?" 

"I was looking for my suitcase." I said, semi-truthfully.

She seemed to buy it and looked relieved. "It's not in the hall closet, sweetie. It's in mine." She disappeared a moment later and returned with my suitcase. As she handed it to me, she added, "Don't forget to pack an extra HoloRing. We'll be calling you any chance we have." I took the suitcase and nodded, mentally adding that to my very long to-do list. 

Back in my room, I set out a few different configurations for outfits on the space shuttle, trying to find the most comfortable option. But honestly, clothes were the very last thing on my mind, and the thing I was least concerned about. The journey had begun, and there was no saying where it would take me.

Across the Galaxy: Book One of the Soliria SeriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang