The Red Dress

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"Hey, um, would you maybe like to go for dinner?" Jared questioned.

"Yeah, definitely!" I replied with a sort of joyous part to my voice. My stomach began to flutter with butterflies.

"Ok, good I kinda got you a surprise for dinner." He anticipated.

"Aw, Jared you didn't have to!" I insisted. What was it?

He began to open his closet, where inside was the red dress.

"Oh my god. I love it! I remember this from Requiem For A Dream! How did you get it? Thank you so much!" I screamed, then lunged myself onto him. He pecked my cheek, with a sweet little kiss.

"Maybe I talked to the costume designers, who had kept the dress." He suggested.

It was THE red dress. The one Harry's mother (Sarah) had been DYING to fit into. Redness filled the dress, and it was such a sight to look at. All I could imagine was Sarah wearing the red dress. It had such elegance to it. Almost as if, it was designed just for royalty. An urge to try it on began to fill me.

"I'm gonna go try it on!" I quickly, yet excitedly said.

As soon as I had it on, I began to stare at myself in the bathroom mirror. I could imagine the costume designers making this dress. Such hard work, and effort put into it. Quite a sight to fill your eyes. Then, I began to skip out of the bathroom where I had changed.

"My baby looks so beautiful. Your brown eyes match the dress so well. It's like I'm falling in love with you all over again." He said.

Tears began to fill my eyes. I have never heard that from anyone. Well, considering no one has ever loved me as much as Jared. Before the concert, I never would have been here, with him giving me THE RED DRESS. As soon as I realized I was crying I cupped my eyes with my soft hands, so Jared wouldn't see that I was a baby.

"Aw your crying! You're so adorable. Every single time I look at you it's like I'm just seeing you in the crowd again. I'm so happy you like all of this, I thought you might." Jared began crying too. He embraced me in his arms, and I felt like this was a fantasy.

I can't believe that I fit the red dress.

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