Getting My Ducks In A Row

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        I wake up to the noisy alarm on my nightstand. My eyes burn from the tears of last night and my throat hurts from crying. I contemplate skipping, but I have to make up that exam. My feet hit the floor and I already know that today is going to blow. Duckie will probably want an explanation of yesterday, and I will have to tell him something. But what can I say? I love you, but I’m scared that you won’t ever feel the same because you are obsessed with Andie?

        I grab my black tights, pleated black skirt, and a red plaid shirt I took from Duckie’s house last year that I refuse to return. I quickly change out of my nightshirt and into my favorite outfit. I glance at myself in the mirror and run my fingers through my hair. My blonde bangs are finally long enough to wear as actual bangs. I cut them too short last time. My blonde waves stop at my shoulders which is okay to me, but I think I might get a bob cut. I shrug and start to put on my eyeliner, mascara, and red lipstick. Before leaving, I take a look around my room to see if I am missing anything.

I snag my black fedora and place is over my blonde hair. “Duckie Dale, get ready for this.”

        When I park my car, I start to get butterflies. I still have no idea what to say to Duckie. I step out, put my bag on my back, and lock my doors. Looking around before I head towards the school entrance, I try to scope out Duckie. He’s nowhere to be seen. Good, I can think of something to say now.

        I get all the way to my locker without seeing the Duck. I start to worry. Is he sick? Have I scared him off? What did Andie say to him? I open my locker, and Terry immediately slams it shut. I scowl at her, and reopen it as she keeps staring at me.

“You look cute.”

I grab my algebra book. “Thanks, have you seen-”

“Duckie? Why yes, I have.” She grins quickly, and then crosses her arms. “You talked to Andie.”

I shut my locker. “How’d you know?”

“Duckie told me and Kevin.”

My heart starts to beat faster. “What…did he say?”

“Oh, nothing,” she studies her nails. “Just that you like him and he was super angry that none of us told him earlier.”

“He was…angry?” What could that mean?

She scrunches her face. “Well, yeah. We kept it a secret from him for so long, he was furious.”

I look around the hallway still searching for him. “Where is he now? Is he still mad?”

She shrugs. “Dunno, maybe. I think he said he wants to talk to you before class, so chances are he’s waiting for you.”

        I walk away from Terry and feel my body warming and tensing up. Duckie wants to talk and I have no idea what to say. He knows I like him. I knew that talking to Andie would be a terrible idea. Why did I do that? I see my classroom and of course, Duckie is smiling waiting for me. But he’s smiling?

        I quickly turn on my heels and walk the other way. I have to skip this class. I cannot even begin to think about what he will say to me. I hear my name called out above the hussle and bussle of the crowd, but I keep walking. When I hear footsteps running up behind me, I pick up my pace and head straight for the bathroom. 

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