0.2- Rain down on me i can barely feel my skin

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It was that heat warming Sierra's face to the point where she wants to dunk her face in water for hours, no matter the dangers of drowning.

"Hang on, Stacie, it should be around here. The government sent out that message last month, remember? The place should be around here."

The trailer had run out of food. Maisie's idea was to go out and find the government shelter. As if they weren't running low on supplies either, and with more desperate people.

They were approaching towards the building. There was a young boy there, hands above his eyes. He turned back to scream words at the buildings.

"HEY," he shouted. "NEWCOMERS!"

Sierra stiffed, already halfway turned.

"No more running," Maisie said, firmly hanging onto Sierra's arm, a shackle.

"I don't like this," Sierra muttered back, almost hissing the words. The grip around her arm grew tighter.

"We'll starve otherwise. Please, Stacie?"

Sierra looked into Maisie's pleading eyes, and she nodded because Maisie was going to stay if Sierra ran away.

They lead them inside, eyeing them warily. Maisie tried to look unthreatening, but Sierra eyed them back.

"You know that's not helping," Maisie whispered into her ear.

"They could be dangerous," Sierra whispered back. Maisie kissed Sierra's temple, then down her jaw, and then her lips.

"Thanks for looking out for us. But relax, ok honey? We don't want them kicking us out just as we got here."

"I wouldn't mind," Sierra muttered. Maisie stared for a moment before laughing her wonderful laugh.

"What would I do without you?"

They lead them into the buildings and then they were sorted into a room together, and it was just as sad, depressed, and desperate as Sierra knew it would be. But Maisie raised Sierra's hand and kissed her knuckles slowly, placing the hand against her face.

"I'm glad you're here with me."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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