1 - When a parody gets sad.

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Love is gone. It's utterly defeated, crushed, eviscerated, brushed out of existence by an angry eraser. Gone, away, brutally forgotten. It's the only way Sierra can survive. Dust off the old, crush it beneath her old dusted sneakers. She's known to get angry at the past, curse at the future. Not even the present pleases her. In short, she's miserable.

What is time, when you've always been miserable? It's just the same day, every day, and even then the day is blurred. Tunnel vision into Maisie, beautiful fucking Maisie who stabbed her in the back. The world is dead, but Maisie was there, and she was striking, and alive, and she stabbed Sierra in the back with an old rusted knife. Sierra knows she'll probably die of an infection from the wound rather than the infection spreading around the world. She's dying because of beautiful fucking Maisie.

God fucking damn it, she needs to forget about Maisie.

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