Chapter two

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Courtney's POV
I can't believe that I have a date with a cute guy named Mal. Wait it's not a date just hanging out. Right?!? And did I call Mal cute? What the hell am I thinking. We just met. Anyways it's 11:30 and— IM STILL NOT DRESSED!!! "Shit", say looking at the time. I hop in the shower wash my hair and wash up and hop the hell out. I get dressed then do my hair.

I get in my car and it's 11:50. Good thing I live close to the ice cream parlor. Because if I didn't man was I screwed. I should've keep my stupid mind shut because there's a bit of traffic now!! Ok breath Courtney. "I'll just call Mal and tell him I'll be a little late because of a traffic jam", I say as I grab my phone. I was looking at the cars near me when I glanced at a car and saw the very person I didn't expect to see. Mal.

He seemed to be texting someone. Just as I think that a text from Mal pops up. Saying, "Courtney I might be a little bit late because of traffic but I'll be there cya in a bit." Then I text back, "it's ok I see you because I'm in the same traffic jam your in"

Mal's POV

I look at Courtney's text then look around when I see her waving at me from her car. I feel my cheeks get warm and wave back for some reason. Am I getting soft? What's up with me lately? I've been thinking about her too much.... do I- liked her?!?!?

A good 30 minutes later

We both arrived at the ice cream parlor at the same time. I get out and help her out the car. Weird I've never done that before..?  We go in and we order ice cream cones then we sit at the table with the curvy chair or couch or whatever it is.

We sit down and start the most basic conversation by saying, "Where do you come from?" Then we start talking about our careers. Turns out she is a professional lawyer... one of the most important ones in Canada too. I told her I was an undercover cop during summer and winter and half spring and half fall. Then we talk about something so random idek how we got there...... we talked about our exes

Anyways when she finished her ice cream cone we went for a drive in my car. I felt like my cheeks we gonna explode when she accidentally fell asleep on my shoulder. "Maybe we should go home Courtney", I tried to wake her up and tell her I'll take her home.
She typed in her address on my GPS when I realized... we live right on the same street.

That's it for chapter dos cya

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