Learn Your Place

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"Well, Josh. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you love me."
I smirk, and blush, unsure if I can joke like this or not.

But, he smiles really wide.

"Maybe I do. What are you gonna do about it?"

I lay back on him, and look at the sun on the water.

"We should go to the Over-World. It's dangerous down here... He could see."
I sigh.

He takes us there, and we arrive at another lake.

"One day, it won't be like this. What we're doing is not wrong! I refuse to believe it is."
He says, playing with my hair.

"But, a war?"

"If that's what it takes... Lacy, I need you, and I can't spend my days up here. I have to do my job.
But, if you went with me, he would know.
You don't need that."
He kissed the top of my head.

"What if I did though?"
I ask, getting out of his lap and sit in front of him, looking him in the eyes.

"I need more information than that. I can see it in your eyes: your planing something."
He smiled, taking my hands smirking.

"Kinda hot. Which is new, for me to see you that way..."

"What if I did go with you for a while? When I come back, I can just say you needed help with something!"

He chuckles.

"You're so full of hope."
He kissed my forehead.

"But, I feel like he'd see right though that, if he's not already. You have been gone a lot the past two days. You hardly ever used to leave!"

"Are you saying I shouldn't go back?"



"I'm saying I could keep you safe, if you decide to come with me, is all."
He half smiles.

"Are you saying I shouldn't leave, when I go with you?"

I shake my head.

"There's something else."
I put my hand on his cheek.

"You're wrong. My realm wouldn't eat you alive."
He stated with a tear in his eye.

"What do you mean?"

"You were supposed to be in my realm. I have a list of people who are coming to my realm, and you were on it. But, God change it."
He took my hand off his face and kissed it.

"You need rest."
He stood up.

"No. I need to understand!"
I stood up with him, and shouted

"I've spent... I don't know, 15 years trying to be perfect, just to stay where I thought I belonged! Just to find out I wasn't even supposed to be there? I have a right to be a little..."


"That word!"

He laughs.

"Rebellion is adorable on you!"
He laughs.

"My entire way of life is a lie... but, why?"

"Wanna here my theory?"
Josh asked, wrapping his arms around me again.

I nod.

"The roll of the devil is actually passed down. If the Devil can learn to love someone successfully, he or she, gets a second chance at life. My life span on earth would restart, but I'd remember everything from here after I trigger the memories. So would you.
You would have to come live with me in Hell for a little bit, but I should earn that second chance. So, maybe he knows."

I collapse into his chest for a second, just thinking.

"I would have to go back and explain myself. But he can't hold me there."

I look up at him.

"You trust me enough to go to Hell with me?"

"To Hell, and back, Hun.
I mean, I was supposed to be there anyway. I've always felt out of place at home.
And, it's us. You might be... the way you are with everyone else, but I make you different."

"You make me want to be better."

He smiled.

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