Lacy's Old Love

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Lacy's POV

"I would get eaten alive in your realm, Josh.
I'm meant to be up there!"
I stand up and walk away.

"But, can stolen moments like this really ever be enough?"
He asks me, following me and grabbing my hand again.

"I'm afraid it'll have to be, for now.
If Father finds out... it could mean a war, Josh. Another celestial  war... what would that do to Earth? Could you survive? Too much to lose, that I'm not willing to risk."

He shakes his head, and cups my face.

"Your boss can lose one worker, if it means I could actually be happy for once! I've never seen the universe work against him, or in my favor."
He says, looking upset.

"There's still the fact we'd have to put on a big front for us. True Love isn't supposed to be like this."

I shake my head.

He stops for a second, staring at nothing.

"You though you died for it."
He said, now glaring at me.

I hug him, and go back to my realm.

Before I leave, Josh grabs me again.

"He'll know you talked to me...
Blame me. Ok? I'll take the fall for this."
He then kissed my hand, and let me walk away.

"Until next time. Just call me, because I'll be listening."

"Where have you been?"
My boss asked, as I was strolling the golden streets, joining me in the process.

"I went to Earth to help some people."
I smiled.

"You spoke to Lucifer. Why?"
He asked, not looking at me.

"I saw him using magic on earth. I informed him of the rules, and he actually stoped."

He stays silent.

"Is that all?"
"Of corse, sir."

We stayed in silence for a second.

"You have a question in mind. I can feel it."
I sigh.

"I do."

"It's bothering you."

"It is, Father."

"If you don't ask, how will you know?"
He asked, as he stopped walking.

"My love on earth. I died to protect him, because I thought he was my True Love...
But, lately, I don't know... I guess I'm just not sure that's what he was... if he was supposed to be, I don't think it would have worked out this way. I've hardly thought of him as of late."

I say, looking at him.

"He was being threatened by his ex, right?"
I nod.
"And the only way to save him, was to have him break up with you, but he wouldn't do that.
You wanted him to move on after you, right?"

"Yes sir."

"Well, maybe you should do the same."

"But, that doesn't answer my question!"
I state, getting frustrated slightly.

"If you're questioning your love for him now, how can you be sure it was ever there?"
He said as he walked away.

I'm on earth.
My Boss gave me a lot to think about.
Unintentionally, almost all of its about Josh.
I'm sitting by a lake just thinking about everything.

Did I ever actually love Ryan enough to consider him my true love?

Is my real true love Josh?

"Your thoughts are loud."
I feel two arms wrap around me, and I smell the smell of smoke and cologne, I learned to love only yesterday.

I smile.

"Are they loud, or are you watching me like a hawk?" I asked, looking back at him.

He chuckles, turning a slight shade of red.

"I only watch you on earth. There's a lot of bad people down here. I don't know I'd do, but I can't imagine there being much of their soul left to see much of any afterlife."

Am I teaching Josh how to love?

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